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Grampahawk - Jan 28, 2008 6:11 pm - Hasn't voted

gear list

I once forgot my BOOTS. Left 'em on the driveway. I also once forgot my SLEEPING bag and didn't realize it until we were at 10,000 ft and it was about 30F that night. My partner had a good laugh about that one. So that's why for years I have a gear list and check it twice before I leave and then again before I hit the trailhead.


DanRessler - Feb 23, 2009 11:00 am - Hasn't voted


Props on doing it solo. It is an intimidating mountain.

I was wondering about your gear list though. Why all the pro if you weren't going to bring a rope?

Edit: nevermind, I see this discussed above. By the way, in winter, I've been enjoying taking a light stove instead of all my water. It saves many pounds and provides for a nice warm refreshment. It takes a few minutes to melt snow, but, overall, I believe time and energy to be saved by carrying substantially less weight.

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