Bart - Aug 23, 2012 3:24 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2012
Pilier Sud
Although presented as one of the local classics, it's not a route I would quickly recommend. We experienced quite a lot of rockfall and the rock quality, while good in the more difficult sections, was often quite poor elsewhere. The route is not as aesthetically pleasing up close as it appears from afar but the biggest challenge is route finding. Climbed the 6a finish which turned out to be not that difficult. Take care on last abseil not to get your ropes stuck.
Bart - Aug 23, 2012 3:24 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2012
Pilier SudAlthough presented as one of the local classics, it's not a route I would quickly recommend. We experienced quite a lot of rockfall and the rock quality, while good in the more difficult sections, was often quite poor elsewhere. The route is not as aesthetically pleasing up close as it appears from afar but the biggest challenge is route finding. Climbed the 6a finish which turned out to be not that difficult. Take care on last abseil not to get your ropes stuck.
Jurgen - Aug 25, 2011 11:36 am
Route Climbed: South PillarClimbed the Barre Noire South Pillar and descended the normal route. We did the climb in day from the parking in Pré de Madame Carle which was pretty long but doable. The rock quality is good at the difficult parts of the climb. Be sure to traverse left towards the final wall at bolted belay. A nice alpine climb.