In august 2002 we climbed Bavški Grintavec,all female company.We started at So?a source hut.I spent a whole month at the sea level,so my muscles were a bit wobbly, and I experienced falling
rocks for the first time.That terrible sound they make...And the same on the wav down...I was very happy to be in the valley again.
bojana - Jan 10, 2010 10:06 am
From So?a sourceIn august 2002 we climbed Bavški Grintavec,all female company.We started at So?a source hut.I spent a whole month at the sea level,so my muscles were a bit wobbly, and I experienced falling
rocks for the first time.That terrible sound they make...And the same on the wav down...I was very happy to be in the valley again.
alex_vega - Nov 12, 2005 11:21 am
Route Climbed: From Zadnja Trenta Date Climbed: 13.September,2003Very very windy day but wonderful view from the top.