Beautiful and wild south...

Beautiful and wild south...

Beautiful and wild south sides of the main ridge of Vis and Montaz group with their characteristic horizontal layers or ledges. Like a long wall side rises above Altipiano del Montasio (high plain of Montasio/Montaz).

Wall is completely crossed by feratta trail which is divided into few sections. Trail mostly uses ledges. Some are very narrow and you go above abysmal depths.

This section of the wall is crossed by Ceria Merlone feratta which touches the Forca del lis Sieris (2274m) pass, visible here. Left (west) is area of Cime Gabon (2405m) peak while right (east) is area of Foronon del Buinz (2531m) peak.

Photo: Aleksandar Gospic
on Aug 22, 2005 11:15 am
Image ID: 121792


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