Ben Nevis Climber's Log

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Bermo - Aug 28, 2005 7:44 pm

Route Climbed: Allt Choire Giubhsachan, Cairn Mor Dearg Date Climbed: 20th August 2005  Sucess!

Started out in mist at 9am from Water of Nevis car park. Mist soon burnt off, and sun shone brightly for the rest of the day. Spectacular weather, one of those rare clear warm days on Ben Nevis. We were happy to find there is a faint track up along the river of Allt Choire Giubhsachan. It fades out on the marshy flats, but re-emerges on the steep sections. Made it to the Col between Carn Mor Dearg and Aonachs at 12:30pm, took our time with lots of long rests in the warm sunshine. there is also a faint track up the Watershead to Cairn Mor Dearg. Took us two hours, and then two hours to Ben Nevis! Totally clear views from summit. It is a great route with spectacular views all the way, and even though it was August we were completely on our own until Cairn Mor Dearg.

granddeity - Aug 12, 2005 4:41 am

Route Climbed: Tourist Route Date Climbed: August 1, 2005  Sucess!

A nice hike up a great mountain. Lot of people on the trail. no view from the top, just mist.

jlp17 - Aug 10, 2005 12:19 pm

Route Climbed: tourist route Date Climbed: jaugust 6  Sucess!

very cold and icy at the top no view just mist any one want to talk to me aboutben nevis add me msn

Joerg Marretsch

Joerg Marretsch - Jul 6, 2005 10:32 am

Route Climbed: Ascend: Normal Route / Descend: Carn Mor Dearg Arete Date Climbed: 29 June 2005  Sucess!

A wonderful, warm morning with blue sky at normal route (not to much people). Reach the summit after 3,5 hours and see the wall of clouds coming from the south-west. Fast descend over Carn Mor Dearg Arete to the summit of Carn Mor Dearg. During the hike down near the small river All a Mhullian it begins to rain.


Cautious - Jun 24, 2005 10:00 am

Route Climbed: Various, most interesting being Tower Ridge Date Climbed: Various  Sucess!

Climbed via a very greasy Douglas Boulder. A fun day out.

dansearle - Jun 21, 2005 9:27 am

Route Climbed: Tourist route Date Climbed: Easter 2005  Sucess!

Almost perfect weather considering it was late March. Lots of snow at the top. Cloud only closed in a little bit at the top, but otherwise warm and sunny.


arczi - Mar 17, 2005 5:05 pm

Route Climbed: normal route Date Climbed: 22 october 2002  Sucess!

really bad weather, blind walkin'


vertx - Oct 3, 2004 5:56 pm

Route Climbed: Standard Route Date Climbed: September 28, 2004  Sucess!

In a word ... RAIN. Okay, a few more. Fog, drizzle, mist. Well that about sums it up. Nice view ... of 5 feet in front of me and my feet. Had a good time anyway. I loved Scotland and the people!

Attila the Hun

Attila the Hun - Aug 10, 2004 10:42 am

Route Climbed: CMD Arete Route Date Climbed: 10th July 2004  Sucess!

A nice climb, pity about the weather. The whole thing was shrouded in mist and fog from about 7-800m up. Nice bit of scrambling to be had on the arete coming up to the Ben. I wouldn't recommend the standard tourist route. Seems a wee bit boring.


ejgriffin - Jul 10, 2004 4:59 pm

Route Climbed: Standard Tourist Route Date Climbed: June 27, 2004  Sucess!

In the clouds most of the way up. Rained near the top. A lot of people on the same route. Nothing spectacular

Alan Sharp

Alan Sharp - Apr 23, 2004 9:36 am

Route Climbed: Standard Tourist Route Date Climbed: Early 1980's  Sucess!

A good days hike and some great views.


markradford - Mar 5, 2004 1:58 pm

Route Climbed: No4 Gulley (ascent ) and CMD Arete (decsent) Date Climbed: 1st March 2004  Sucess!

A monster alpine day out on the best hill in the land. Perfect alpine weather, mint gulley conditions in no 4 and the CMD arete was awesome. Climbing team of Peter 'the lion' Jackson; Alastiar 'two axes' Williamson and Mark 'Lord Champagne' Radford.

Scott M.

Scott M. - Feb 15, 2004 4:11 pm

Route Climbed: Standard Tourist Route Date Climbed: June 14, 1990  Sucess!

Did this with my wife on our 3rd anniversary while traveling in the UK. Had a great morning with the top completely enveloped in mist.


HikeMonkey - Feb 11, 2004 10:45 am

Route Climbed: CMD Arete Date Climbed: August 1999  Sucess!

I climbed the CMD arete on a sunny (!) day with Monty after we'd finished walking the West Highland Way. There was a piper on top. We could see all the way back to Glasgow. Almost. A great way to end a great walk.

Dan Bailey

Dan Bailey - Feb 11, 2004 5:47 am

Route Climbed: CMD Arete, Ledge Route, Tower Ridge, Centurion Date Climbed: many  Sucess!

Best hill in the world?

Dave Dinnell

Dave Dinnell - Jan 9, 2004 4:46 pm

Route Climbed: Standard Date Climbed: July 1993  Sucess!

Even the standard Rt. can be challenging in the right conditions. Hiked up with my fiance (she married me anyway) in typical weather-foggy, "are you sure this is the way?", rainy, snowy, and windy. View from the summit? Could barely see my feet. Wonder what winter conditions are like...

Probemeister - Aug 19, 2003 5:56 am

Route Climbed: Tower ridge Date Climbed: August 2003  Sucess!

Started by the direct route on the douglas boulder, this must be the biggest boulder in the world at 200m high. We continued to the top via tower ridge which is a fantastic easy climb/hard scramble, short sections of UIAA III. It was hot without a breath of wind, even on the summit.

Grant Mockler - Jul 11, 2003 5:35 am

Route Climbed: Carn Mor Dearg Arete Date Climbed: 13 August 2002  Sucess!

Climbed with girlfriend while on touring holiday around Scotland. Weather was clear until we got on to the ridge. Had great lunch at CCC hut with great views of north face. Great day out but need to watch time as we only just got down before it sun down. Planning second climb on this route in 2003.


HawkeyeHufford - May 2, 2003 12:36 pm

Route Climbed: Normal Date Climbed: May 15, 2000  Sucess!

Made it to the top in just under 3 hours. Visibility good until on the summit plateau. Descending was very tough on my knees. Recovered in time to climb Snowdon three days later. Really enjoyed meeting other hikers, especially at the Glen Nevis Youth Hostel."

Steve Hufford

Anchorage, AK USA

Phil McLean

Phil McLean - Apr 6, 2003 2:26 pm

Route Climbed: Carn Mor Dearg arete Date Climbed: 13th July 1994  Sucess!

Usual route from Glen Nevis to lochan, up onto Carn Mor Dearg, along the arete, up the Ben, down the tourist route. Excellent weather, fantastic visibility, still a good bit of snow on the top. One of my earlier Munros, aged 13.

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