Black Mesa Climber's Log

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Odycus - Aug 12, 2024 10:33 am Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2024

Fortunate turn of weather  Sucess!

Note: I do not recommend that anyone underestimate the heat of this hike, had I not gotten lucky. It was plentifully hot at 5:30, I don't even want to contemplate early afternoon.

I traveled from eastern Missouri to this park, in the middle of nowhere, specifically to bag the high point, though admittedly just a very wide jaunt out of the way on a trip to western Colorado. I arrived at 5:15pm, to find a sign that said hiking was prohibited after 10am due to high temps. I briefly assessed my situation -- my gym intentionally has no A/C to prepare members for a range of temps, i had two liters of water for a 9-mile hike, a wicking shirt and desert hat, am a strong watcher of my heart rate, and anticipated that the temp may go down as sunset approached. I figured, if I get too hot or low on water, I'll turn around; meanwhile I hoped there wouldn't be a fine.

15 minutes in, it was admittedly hot -- about 95F; I even noticed that the water in the tube of my camelback was getting warm between sips (I intentionally take a drink every six minutes as a matter of hiking / running training), and was thinking I needed to start blowing it back into the reservoir after every sip like in the winter; heart rate was decent, but I was sweating a fair amount; I was getting apprehensive about my own standard for proceeding once I would hit the mesa climb. Then a gathering storm unleashed some fairly significant rain, and blissfully no hail, over about 20 minutes as I kept walking. After that, the temp seemed to drop about 15-20F, which persisted for the rest of the hike.

The trail was in fine condition; a little muddy in spots after the rain, but very walkable in trail runners. The climb up the mesa is a pretty strenuous few minutes, but other than that, it's nearly a flat hike. As others have done, I continued on to the edge of the mesa, only about 0.2 miles, after hitting the high point.


Scott - Mar 24, 2024 11:42 pm Date Climbed: Jan 27, 2024

Black Mesa  Sucess!

First I visited the petrified forest and then hiked hiked up Black Mesa, the highest point in Oklahoma. The standard hike is 8.5 miles, but I went beyond the end (towards New Mexico) to get to the new highpoint so got just over 9 miles. About half the trail was on snow and there was mud as well, but it went pretty fast considering the distance.

I then inquired locally about climbing the Cimmaron County Prominence Highpoint (peak) and climbed that. It wasn't that hard, but was a steep off trail climb. It had a better viewpoint than Black Mesa.

After that I headed for Lake Carl Etling, visited the dinosaur tracks, and hiked the North Canyon Trail, Archeological Trail, Rock Garden Trail, and Canyon Rim Trail. I saw deer and wild turkeys. Since I don't know if I'll ever get back to Oklahoma I decided to see and hike as much today as I could.

andersgrau8 - Dec 1, 2023 10:26 pm Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2023

First State Highpoint  Sucess!

A simple but very hot hike - bring extra water!

Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Sep 6, 2023 10:22 pm Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2023

hot!  Sucess!

Started up about 7:30 am and already warm. Easy hike with some breezes so not bad going "up." By the time I got back about 10, it was 106 degrees. Then, on to Kansas! -Don't trust Google map directions around here. The "road" they had me on was just ruts in a farmer's field.


LazyJSkwires - Jun 17, 2023 5:57 pm Date Climbed: Jun 16, 2023

Up and Down  Sucess!

Since I had left from Fort Collins that morning and was trying to hit all three tri-points in the vicinity I didn't have a lot of time to hang out at the top. It was a very nice day and other than a bit of washing out on the trail it was easy to follow and hike up. Total time from car to summit to car was a hair under 2 hours 20 minutes.


manicchick - Mar 26, 2023 10:40 pm Date Climbed: Mar 25, 2023

Black Mesa   Sucess!

It might have been the windiest day of the year so far, but that didn't stop us from doing the 8+ mile roundtrip hike in 2.5 hours. The drive getting out here was almost as interesting as the hike.

"Avoid highways"


Dundeel - Jun 11, 2022 9:53 am Date Climbed: Jun 5, 2022

Hot Day  Sucess!

Temp 95 at start of hike. I drank 2.5 quarts of water and could have drunk more. On the hike out, saw a large metal cage sitting in the middle of the trail. No tire marks or other evidence of how it got there?? StHP #9.


Moogie737 - Apr 3, 2022 2:59 pm Date Climbed: Apr 1, 2022

North winds attempting to make things unpleasant  Sucess!

#1 04-01-22 W/Lana. Started at the gated Nature Preserve TH and walked the 8.4 miles r/t in 3+45 in spite of the wind and spending 15 minutes at the summit monument. An ammo box protects the summit register. The views on top of the mesa are other-worldly. The kiosks along the "path" are interesting and worth reading. The fist three miles offer a bench upon which to sit every mile. Having a clean restroom at the TH was a nice plus. If you need a place to stay I recommend the Black Mesa Bed and Breakfast which is another couple of miles toward Kenton. The owners are delightful, friendly and offer clean amenities along with their Oklahoma hospitality.


yadahzoemtn - Apr 3, 2022 12:48 pm Date Climbed: Apr 1, 2022

Road Tripping and Highpointing  Sucess!

Flew from SLC to Denver. Drove to Panorama Point in Nebraska and then on to Mount Sunflower in Kansas. Today we hiked Black Mesa in Oklahoma. It was a cold windy day but I enjoyed it.


admiralcapn - Feb 27, 2022 5:35 pm Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2021

HP # 23  Sucess!

We started before dawn for cool hiking and "summitted" shortly after sunrise. The top of the mesa is truly flat but with a nice view (especially north). Saw a neat horned toad on the way back!


LouisFasano32 - Dec 16, 2021 11:29 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2019

Highest point in OK  Sucess!

I was the only one on the entire hike. I had the entire Mesa to myself.


IagosGhost - Dec 7, 2021 1:19 pm Date Climbed: Nov 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Day Hike  Sucess!

My oldest son and daughter and I hiked on Thanksgiving day. We had the mesa all to ourselves and enjoyed the stark beauty of the landscape. We hiked "all the way to New Mexico" where my son took his obligatory picture of him eating a Clif Bar while sitting on a cliff. This was an easy but satisfying hike to my 15th state high point. Afterward, we drove a mile or so up the road to see fossilized dinosaur tracks.

I hiked in memory of my Army friend LTC Matt Brown and to raise awareness for mental health issues and veteran suicide prevention. Rest in peace, my friend.


Geo412 - Mar 15, 2021 9:05 am Date Climbed: Mar 3, 2021

Successful Summit  Sucess!

Great hike. Beautiful weather.


maddie77777 - Dec 7, 2020 6:43 am Date Climbed: Dec 6, 2020

Highpoint # 37  Sucess!

Flew into Denver, then drove to hit the KS highpoint, then on to Black Mesa. It was a really pretty day with highs in the 50s. We were the last to do the hike that day and got back to our car shortly before sundown. What a remote and isolated area. Fun to experience.

Humpty Dumpty - Nov 1, 2020 5:26 am Date Climbed: Oct 31, 2020

Happy Halloween!  Sucess!

Beautiful day, and great view of typical Southwest high desert. AllTrails said this was 8.7 miles, so a little longer than I had anticipated. Still, it’s a pretty easy hike. Just one section of climbing. Takes about 25 minutes to get up the mesa. Would not want to do this in the summer, but, overall it’s a fun hike.

Woodie Hopper

Woodie Hopper - Oct 22, 2020 10:20 pm Date Climbed: Oct 22, 2020

2 of 2 state highpoints today  Sucess!

Did after driving from Guadalupe Peak (TX's highpoint). Few people, nice weather with a light breeze. Sentimental summit for me. Very runnable- 1:18 RT


whatdoIknow - Oct 10, 2020 2:31 pm Date Climbed: Oct 3, 2020

wonderful area  Sucess!

I am very happy the high point brought me to this neck of the woods.


Judd97 - Sep 18, 2020 8:41 pm Date Climbed: Sep 18, 2020

HP#29  Sucess!

Much more interesting than I expected it to be. Love the native grassland on the drive in.

Vistagrabber - Jul 20, 2020 11:39 am Date Climbed: Jul 20, 2020

Closed for at least a week

Disappointed after traveling from Mt Sunflower to find the trail to Black Mesa is closed for at least a week by the sheriff ‘s department after the need for multiple rescues. It’s hot so be smart!


Hyadventure - Jul 11, 2020 1:47 pm Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2019

State High Point Road Trip 2019   Sucess!

If you want to get far away for everything this is the place. Neat place.

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