Cilley-Barber Route Climber's Log

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lutty11 - Mar 22, 2014 4:24 pm Date Climbed: Mar 18, 2014

Great Climb!   Sucess!

Cold early start. Led P1, simuled P2, P3, and all snow fields. Followed P4 that gcap led in delicate/deteriorating conditions. Descended via breaking trail down Cathedral.


logikal - Mar 29, 2012 3:43 pm Date Climbed: Mar 16, 2012

Awesome Climb!  Sucess!

Great day out. We got lucky with conditions. The crux pitch was very thin and as it was 65 degrees the day after, the route may be done for the 2011/2012 season.


chrisferro - Jan 12, 2007 12:44 am

Start off the log  Sucess!

Owen Garland and I climbed the Cilley-Barber from the Chimney Pond cabin and came down the Cathedral ridge in about 11 hours. A really great alpine route, about 2500 LINEAR feet (I should have been more specific in the route page). I hope everything else is pretty accurate - it's been 7 years and my memory isn't as good never really was that great...

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