Cobb Mountain Climber's Log

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keema - Jun 10, 2007 9:18 pm Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2007

Plus Sonoma CoHP  Sucess!

The hike to Cobb was very pleasant. The trip over to the west ridge was an adventure, wish I had a machete with me. Also, make sure you have cash when crossing the bay area bridges, it's a $25 fine if you don't. They don't take plastic
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The picture is on the West Ridge at the Sonoma County High Point

Michael Perry

Michael Perry - Mar 25, 2007 4:32 am Date Climbed: Mar 24, 2007

Interesting and challenging remote hike  Sucess!

Started from the gate at the end of Pinewood Way on a relatively warm day for Spring. Besides dodging a few downed trees, had relatively little problem finding the way to the summit. Good view to the north, but thats about it, just trees, trees and more trees. The West Rim was another story, which was confusing, it was late in the day so will have to try it again at some point. Coming back down was also a bit of challenge with no distinguishable trail near the top in some places.

JR Mintz - Mar 21, 2007 5:22 am Date Climbed: Mar 18, 2007

JR Mintz  Sucess!

Start from the 175-Maple Shadows Rd intersection,Jog up Road to
No Tresp. Gate-easily circumvent,the trail is sometimes not easy to follow,go under a couple fallen trees,eventually do find the East Summit and very shortly after the Middle Summit and Cobb Mtn Peak,where I sign register,The West Summit peaking requires more perseverance,going through some brush but I do get there eventually in under 2 hours-Coming down though have major difficulties though-losing trail within a half mile after descending from the east summit-bushwhack my way all the way down until I finally hit a trail that leads to a private residence, but it is within a 100 yards of Highway 175 so rather luck-still a bit scary.

Bob Burd

Bob Burd - Mar 7, 2007 2:54 pm Date Climbed: Jan 8, 2006

From the highway  Sucess!

Took two tries to get to the county highpoint. The first time I was a little too cavalier and missed it by half a mile. Cobb Mtn is easy enough to find, but the West Rim is a bit tricky.
Trip Report


surgent - Mar 5, 2007 2:34 pm Date Climbed: May 25, 2003

Two tries, dense fog, success  Sucess!

Hit bad fog on my 2001 try, but managed to visit summit. Went back in 2003 to do the Sonoma cohp with my wife. Nice hike, interesting area.

Chris Doig

Chris Doig - Mar 5, 2007 5:08 am Date Climbed: Mar 4, 2007

should have brought skis  Sucess!

Hiked with pals Jeff and Alex. Started off normal enough but ran into over a foot of snow at the summit. Have to go back and get the Sonoma County high point on the west ridge.

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