Shaylee - Aug 17, 2008 10:57 am Date Climbed: Oct 8, 2005
My first summit
September 21 2013
South Summit and Cross Mountain Rim descent with Dad, Matt Lemke, and
June 20 2010
Hiked the South Summit with Dad, Mom and Kessler.
October 13 2008
I hiked to the South Summit with Dad, Kessler and Justin Kuhn.
October 8 2005
South Summit. I walked all the way up this one making it the first summit I climbed on my own.
mountaingazelle - May 12, 2008 10:05 pm Date Climbed: May 10, 2008
Cross Mountain
I climbed the South Summit via the West and Gorge. I stayed near the edge of the gorge most of the way. There were several gullies that I had to go up and down. The summit is spectacular with the Yampa River cutting right through the middle. I only saw a few people hiking in the area and no one else on the mountain.
Kessler - Dec 12, 2005 11:18 am Date Climbed: May 24, 2005
Cross Mountain
September 21 2013
South Summit and Cross Mountain Rim descent with Dad, Matt Lemke, and Shaylee.
June 20 2010
Hiked the South Summit with Dad, Mom and Shaylee.
May 23 2009
Highest summit on North Cross with Dad.
October 13 2008
South Summit with Dad, Shaylee and Justin Kuhn
November 4 2006
Middle Summit with Dad
October 8 2005
South Summit with Dad, Mom, and Shaylee (sister)
May 24 2005
South Summit and Northern Summits with Dad
Scott - May 17, 2005 11:16 pm Date Climbed: May 14, 2005
May 27 2020
Callen, Justin, and I headed to Cross Mountain after work. We headed for the south summit and explored a ways along the rim. As usual, the views were really great and we enjoyed the views for a while before heading back down.
May 14 2019
After work, I headed for the south part of Cross Mountain, which is my favorite place in the area that I am working. I made the hike to the summit and went to the edge of the gorge for some spectacular views.
May 2 2015
Kim had to work and the kids weren't interested, so alone I climbed Cross Mountain. I started all the way at the northern end and traversed all of the intermediate summits until reaching the highest one. It took longer than expected.
The weather was threatening at times, but it only rained briefly and with distant thunder. Along the way, there were many elk tracks, but I believe the elk have headed to higher ground. I did see several rabbits and one horny toad.
For the route down, I descended the steep east face and contoured around the mountain. There were several cliff bands to skirt, but eventually I made my way to the base of the mountain which I followed north and back to the trailhead. I saw several antelope along the way.
September 21 2013
Matt Lemke called me the night before and wanted to do something since he was in Vernal. I suggested Cross Mountain since it was between us.
Kessler, Shaylee, Matt, and I met near the Cross Mountain South trailhead and did a car shuttle, parking one car at the Cross Mountain South trailhead and the other at the west end of the Cross Mountain Gorge. We climbed the peak, enjoyed the views and followed the rugged south rim of Cross Mountain Gorge down to the Yampa River.
October 8 2011
Because of the weather forecast, I was hoping that everyone would want to hike to Strawberry Hot Springs, but the kids didn’t want to go. Kimberly and I hiked to the top of South Cross Mountain and explored around a bit before heading back down. It was rather cool and it snowed a little, but the views were nice, as always.
June 20 2010
Because of our long hike yesterday (Baldy Mountain in the Flat Tops), we decided on an easier hike for Sunday afternoon/evening. We headed for Cross Mountain, perhaps the most spectacular summit in our general area.
We hiked to the summit of South Cross Mountain and enjoyed the views from the summit for a while before heading back down the mountain.
May 23 2009
Kessler and I climbed the highest North Summit of Cross Mountain. We drove out in the rain, but by the time we were starting the climb it was only lightly sprinkling.
We took a pretty challenging route up the east face of the mountain and the weather improved as time passed. We climbed steeply up the east face to the South Ridge and followed the ridge north over two false summits to the true summit. We were the first ones to sign the register in two years.
On the summit, we watched a horney toad and enjoyed our lunch, but left the mountain quickly because the sky was getting really black and thunder could be heard. We high tailed it down the mountain in pretty heavy rain and our steep route was much more difficult on the way back because of the rain made the rocks and steep mud very slick. It was still a good climb though and a good way to spend a day.
October 13 2008
At work, my project at work got shut down early because of cold temperatures, but since the sky was blue it was still good hiking time that couldn’t be wasted. I suggested to my coworker Justin Kuhn that we should climb the South Summit of Cross Mountain. It isn’t the highest summit in the area, but it is one of the most dramatic and most spectacular. Kessler and Shaylee wanted to come as well and joined in.
We left after Kessler got out of school and drove to the trailhead. We hiked to the top of the peak and ate a late dinner on top. After viewing several of the spectacular viewpoints and enjoying the sunset we hiked back under a full moon before driving back home.
November 4, 2006
Parked near the junction of CR 21.5 and CR 10. Kessler and I climbed up the north east face of Peak 7164, where we followed the ridge over Peak 7164 and another sub-point before reaching Peak 7769, the second highest point on Cross Mountain. We returned via the burn area and via the spur just east of the "22" on the topo map. Five hours round trip on a cold November Day.
October 8, 2005:
Climbed the south summit with the wife and kids on a beautiful Fall day.
May 14, 2005:
Perfect weather. I was planning to go alone, but Kessler my three-year-old boy, really wanted to climb a mountain, so we left early and I took him along. The roads were dry and it was no probem to drive to the trailhead. We hiked to the south summit of Cross Mountain. We walked west along the rim, taking many photographs (Kessler seemed to cut off my head with the camera every time, but hey, he's three years old) and down to the west so I could check out the rest of the route from the gorge. After seeing the same general area I climbed up to the week before, we returned to the vehicle. We drove to the north end of the mountain, and climbed the northern-most summits. Kessler was pooped by then, so I carried him much of the way on my shoulders. After enjoying the excellent views and watching the ants from the northern-most summits, we returned to the vehicle and drove home after a long day.
May 7, 2005:
Attempt #1. A snowstorm hit this day. I attempted to drive to the South Cross Mountain Trailhead, but the road was a muddy mess. Heavy clay soils made walking to the trailhead undesirable, so I retreated and drove around to the mouth of the gorge. I went aways up the slopes of the rim of the gorge and towards the south summit, but turned around because I couldn't see anything anyway, and knew the hike must be spectacular in good weather. I simply went home.
edevart - Jul 11, 2018 12:51 pm Date Climbed: Sep 12, 2009
Cross Mountain Northfrom the northeast corner. With CMC guys.
Shaylee - Aug 17, 2008 10:57 am Date Climbed: Oct 8, 2005
My first summitSeptember 21 2013
South Summit and Cross Mountain Rim descent with Dad, Matt Lemke, and
June 20 2010
Hiked the South Summit with Dad, Mom and Kessler.
October 13 2008
I hiked to the South Summit with Dad, Kessler and Justin Kuhn.
October 8 2005
South Summit. I walked all the way up this one making it the first summit I climbed on my own.
mountaingazelle - May 12, 2008 10:05 pm Date Climbed: May 10, 2008
Cross MountainI climbed the South Summit via the West and Gorge. I stayed near the edge of the gorge most of the way. There were several gullies that I had to go up and down. The summit is spectacular with the Yampa River cutting right through the middle. I only saw a few people hiking in the area and no one else on the mountain.
Kessler - Dec 12, 2005 11:18 am Date Climbed: May 24, 2005
Cross MountainSeptember 21 2013
South Summit and Cross Mountain Rim descent with Dad, Matt Lemke, and Shaylee.
June 20 2010
Hiked the South Summit with Dad, Mom and Shaylee.
May 23 2009
Highest summit on North Cross with Dad.
October 13 2008
South Summit with Dad, Shaylee and Justin Kuhn
November 4 2006
Middle Summit with Dad
October 8 2005
South Summit with Dad, Mom, and Shaylee (sister)
May 24 2005
South Summit and Northern Summits with Dad
Scott - May 17, 2005 11:16 pm Date Climbed: May 14, 2005
CrossMay 27 2020
Callen, Justin, and I headed to Cross Mountain after work. We headed for the south summit and explored a ways along the rim. As usual, the views were really great and we enjoyed the views for a while before heading back down.
May 14 2019
After work, I headed for the south part of Cross Mountain, which is my favorite place in the area that I am working. I made the hike to the summit and went to the edge of the gorge for some spectacular views.
May 2 2015
Kim had to work and the kids weren't interested, so alone I climbed Cross Mountain. I started all the way at the northern end and traversed all of the intermediate summits until reaching the highest one. It took longer than expected.
The weather was threatening at times, but it only rained briefly and with distant thunder. Along the way, there were many elk tracks, but I believe the elk have headed to higher ground. I did see several rabbits and one horny toad.
For the route down, I descended the steep east face and contoured around the mountain. There were several cliff bands to skirt, but eventually I made my way to the base of the mountain which I followed north and back to the trailhead. I saw several antelope along the way.
September 21 2013
Matt Lemke called me the night before and wanted to do something since he was in Vernal. I suggested Cross Mountain since it was between us.
Kessler, Shaylee, Matt, and I met near the Cross Mountain South trailhead and did a car shuttle, parking one car at the Cross Mountain South trailhead and the other at the west end of the Cross Mountain Gorge. We climbed the peak, enjoyed the views and followed the rugged south rim of Cross Mountain Gorge down to the Yampa River.
October 8 2011
Because of the weather forecast, I was hoping that everyone would want to hike to Strawberry Hot Springs, but the kids didn’t want to go. Kimberly and I hiked to the top of South Cross Mountain and explored around a bit before heading back down. It was rather cool and it snowed a little, but the views were nice, as always.
June 20 2010
Because of our long hike yesterday (Baldy Mountain in the Flat Tops), we decided on an easier hike for Sunday afternoon/evening. We headed for Cross Mountain, perhaps the most spectacular summit in our general area.
We hiked to the summit of South Cross Mountain and enjoyed the views from the summit for a while before heading back down the mountain.
May 23 2009
Kessler and I climbed the highest North Summit of Cross Mountain. We drove out in the rain, but by the time we were starting the climb it was only lightly sprinkling.
We took a pretty challenging route up the east face of the mountain and the weather improved as time passed. We climbed steeply up the east face to the South Ridge and followed the ridge north over two false summits to the true summit. We were the first ones to sign the register in two years.
On the summit, we watched a horney toad and enjoyed our lunch, but left the mountain quickly because the sky was getting really black and thunder could be heard. We high tailed it down the mountain in pretty heavy rain and our steep route was much more difficult on the way back because of the rain made the rocks and steep mud very slick. It was still a good climb though and a good way to spend a day.
October 13 2008
At work, my project at work got shut down early because of cold temperatures, but since the sky was blue it was still good hiking time that couldn’t be wasted. I suggested to my coworker Justin Kuhn that we should climb the South Summit of Cross Mountain. It isn’t the highest summit in the area, but it is one of the most dramatic and most spectacular. Kessler and Shaylee wanted to come as well and joined in.
We left after Kessler got out of school and drove to the trailhead. We hiked to the top of the peak and ate a late dinner on top. After viewing several of the spectacular viewpoints and enjoying the sunset we hiked back under a full moon before driving back home.
November 4, 2006
Parked near the junction of CR 21.5 and CR 10. Kessler and I climbed up the north east face of Peak 7164, where we followed the ridge over Peak 7164 and another sub-point before reaching Peak 7769, the second highest point on Cross Mountain. We returned via the burn area and via the spur just east of the "22" on the topo map. Five hours round trip on a cold November Day.
October 8, 2005:
Climbed the south summit with the wife and kids on a beautiful Fall day.
May 14, 2005:
Perfect weather. I was planning to go alone, but Kessler my three-year-old boy, really wanted to climb a mountain, so we left early and I took him along. The roads were dry and it was no probem to drive to the trailhead. We hiked to the south summit of Cross Mountain. We walked west along the rim, taking many photographs (Kessler seemed to cut off my head with the camera every time, but hey, he's three years old) and down to the west so I could check out the rest of the route from the gorge. After seeing the same general area I climbed up to the week before, we returned to the vehicle. We drove to the north end of the mountain, and climbed the northern-most summits. Kessler was pooped by then, so I carried him much of the way on my shoulders. After enjoying the excellent views and watching the ants from the northern-most summits, we returned to the vehicle and drove home after a long day.
May 7, 2005:
Attempt #1. A snowstorm hit this day. I attempted to drive to the South Cross Mountain Trailhead, but the road was a muddy mess. Heavy clay soils made walking to the trailhead undesirable, so I retreated and drove around to the mouth of the gorge. I went aways up the slopes of the rim of the gorge and towards the south summit, but turned around because I couldn't see anything anyway, and knew the hike must be spectacular in good weather. I simply went home.