Detail of the NW face of Huascarán Sur from Garganta

Detail of the NW face of Huascarán Sur from Garganta

Seen from Garganta, this is the right hand side of the NW face of Huascarán Sur. As you can see, there are some big seracs up there, and there are signs of recent avalanches. The normal route in 2011 was well to the left of this part of the face. I had been here before almost a month ago, so I knew that the normal route was further left. Besides, there was a trail to follow and some wands marking the route. Without all that, I very much doubt if I would have found a way up. It doesn't look very enticing, but perhaps I would have tried this part anyway. If I had, I would have failed. You can't see it from here, but there are some huge crevasses higher up, blocking any possible route. I only saw them on my way down, when I got off route a little bit and found myself blocked by one of them. 8 August 2011.
on Dec 12, 2012 7:44 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing,  Scenery
Image ID: 829530


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