Etsuko leading the first...

Etsuko leading the first...

Etsuko leading the first pitch (5.7) of Snake Dike, trying to get up to the roof to place a cam. The roof (about 80 feet up) is the first place to place any pro and the last 15 feet is slick polished rock. The route goes left (out of view) and around the roof. The group above is starting the third pitch (4th for 50m ropes) on the actual dike Taken April 24, 2004.
on Apr 26, 2004 1:28 pm
Image ID: 51016


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Diggler - Apr 26, 2004 2:48 pm - Voted 10/10

cool proportions!

Nice climbing shot- Etsuko, you da woman!


mrolph - Apr 26, 2004 3:01 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: cool proportions!

Thanks Dirk - due to some bad coaching from the ground (by Misha and I), Etsuko gave up trying to cross the last 15 feet and down climbed. I gave it a shot and found a much easier way to get up there and placed a yellow alien about 2 feet in from the right edge of the picture. Etsuko made up for it by leading the more difficult 2nd pitch.


kiwifzzz - Apr 26, 2004 3:32 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: cool proportions!

Yeah...that upper polished section w/ no pro spoooked the sh*t out of me (not due to Misha and Martin's lack of coaching skills, rather I think I just gave it a bit too much thought)...but it was fun to stay up high on the polish as the follower though! =:) Great leading Martin! Thanks for adding to the great day!

Dirk...yo yo yo man! We missed you in the Valley!!!

Sam Mills

Sam Mills - Apr 26, 2004 6:12 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: cool proportions!

Nice shot Martin. Great job Etsuko! It looks like you guys had a great day.


kiwifzzz - Apr 26, 2004 9:34 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: cool proportions!

Definitely did Sam! I had a blast leading that second exhilarating and aesthetic! Both Misha and I are looking forward to going back and completing the sucker!! =:) I am really sorry for all of us that my bad back got in the way of our climb.


Finarphin - Dec 12, 2006 7:11 pm - Hasn't voted


I thought this was a very mentally wearing route, despite its comparatively low rating. And this first pitch was one of the wearing parts, and I didn't even lead it. Our guidebook (from 1970) listed this as 5.5, and after climbing it I thought it was harder than that.

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