Everest Comments

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RobSC - Sep 12, 2012 11:25 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Rob, HUGE congrats...

Thank you Big Lew. Of the views, I remember most the spectacular summit ridge from the South summit, and then cresting the summit the view down upon the brown plains of Tibet and the feeling that my body was higher than any land on Earth. A truly unique feeling. I think that I saw Shisha Pangma. Well, I'm sure that I saw it but I think that I know which peak it was. I got a couple pictures of it that I didn't include in the report. The peaks heading off to the west were a blur so I might have seen Manaslu but truly don't know... Anyways, thank you for your kind thoughts.


lsheen - Sep 25, 2012 10:00 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: Rob, HUGE congrats...

Not that I'm an expert or anything, but - strictly as a hobby - I enjoy annotating Himalaya pics that show many peaks.

I hereby offer to annotate (to the best of may ability, anyway!) the best pic you took to the west from at or near the summit. No worries if this doesn't work for you - but if you have pics that are clear enough it might be a fun exercise.

Send me a PM if you're interested - I'll work out the details with you.


Big Lew

Alan Arnette

Alan Arnette - Sep 11, 2012 11:28 pm - Voted 10/10

Some obsessions are worth it

Congratulations Rob. Great visual report along with a nice introspective and honest look back on a difficult year. Well done, well done.


RobSC - Sep 12, 2012 11:19 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Some obsessions are worth it

Thank you Alan. You were a big help on several levels when we were organizing our trip. Your remarks on communication were excellent. Your wonderful website was the go to place for our friends and family while we were on the mountain. You have done a real service to Everest climbers with the efforts of your website.


MudRat - Sep 12, 2012 3:47 pm - Voted 10/10

Enjoyed your account...

My adventures will likely never take me to the Himalayas. I've read much though...all the greats and caught a glimpse via their words. Your pictures were beautiful and words reflected truths from your heart.


RobSC - Sep 12, 2012 11:17 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Enjoyed your account...

Thank you for your kind words. Many of my favorite and many of the most beautiful places are very close to home. Enjoy exploring them!

Jukka Ahonen

Jukka Ahonen - Sep 14, 2012 6:51 am - Voted 10/10

Interesting afterthoughts

Thanks for the article. It seemed very honest to me, and somehow I can't help thinking that things always seem more clear once you are past them. Odd.

Your writing also sums up many of the reasons why I do not seem to be drawn to that particular mountain. Too deadly. And too much of the deadliness caused by people, not the mountain.

Still, I congratulate you and wish not to be misunderstood: I do not downplay the scale of your achievement, even if it not my "cup of tea".

So cheers!


RobSC - Sep 14, 2012 9:19 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Interesting afterthoughts

Thanks for your honest musings. I have much of the same feelings. I was always filled with a dichotomy, one side of me wanting to go there, one not for the reasons you present. I generally prefer climbs off of the beaten path, bust sometimes it is rewarding to venture to the classics. Usually, they truly are classics and are a worthy venture despite the crowds. Best of luck at your own chosen goals.


ScottyP - Feb 12, 2013 10:22 pm - Hasn't voted

Great read!

Nice work! I am heading here in 2015 and this was a great read.


RobSC - Feb 13, 2013 8:56 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Great read!

Thanks for the kind words. Best of luck on your own adventure there.


ScottyP - Mar 13, 2016 2:51 pm - Hasn't voted

Nicey Done

Great writeup... I was there last year for the earthquake dreams squashed But alive!


RobSC - Mar 13, 2016 7:22 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Nicey Done

Thanks, Scotty. I'm glad that you survived. Maybe you'll find yourself back there sometime once again. I didn't really think that I'd get back to the Himalaya after Cholatse, but then things all worked out...

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