Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Location Lat/Lon: 36.29742°N / 115.61462°W
Date Date Climbed/Hiked: Aug 13, 2011
Activities Activities: Hiking
Seasons Season: Summer

Fletcher Canyon Day 1

Trail Peak
My dad, my sister, and I were all doing a camping trip at Mount Chareleston (Las Vegas Nevada). We got a late start on the trail at about 6:00 PM. My sister and I both had new packs so we we were testing them out. My sister got a really small camelback and I got a large camping backpack. Anyways. We started our hike. I was mostly caring all of the supplies. So mine was the heaviest. I was getting tired and it was already 6:45. We finally arrived at our camp spot. It was dark. We setted up our tent. After our tent was up my dad started a fire. He was cooking meat on it. The meat was the best meat I had ever tasted. After dinner it was 7:00.
We got into the tent. Oh,I forget to mention that my tooth was realy loose.
We went to bed. I kept wiggling my tooth. It got really loose. Finally it came out.

Fletcher Canyon Day 2

We woke up at about 7:30 AM. My dad woke up first. He made eggs and bacon. It was great. After breakfast we continued our hike up the creek into a narrow thin canyon which led out to Mummy Mountain. We stopped there and had lunch my Dad and Sister sat down while I was rock climbing. We packed up and descended. That was one of the best hikes ever!


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