Folklore & Funny Histories & Tales between "Becca" & Emilius & Alentours I°

Folklore & Funny Histories & Tales between "Becca" & Emilius & Alentours I°

Page Type Page Type: Fact Sheet
Additional Information County: Aosta Valley




All the reported HISTORIES & STORYS in this NOVEL are AAAABSOLUTELy TRUE, errors excepted and omissions…

Tutte le STORIE & STORIELLE raccontate in questo ROMANZO sono ASSSSOLUTAMENTE VERE, salvo errori ed omissioni …




The Prophet and the Follower: preaching, sermon and ballad singer near "BECCA" & EMILIUS.




^ Il Grande PROFETA Massimo

I am a lot, but very better & more & more better (* poetic licence) than Alexander Manzoni (him, really that de "The Promised Bridegrooms"), because He wrote for that only reader that had, while I also count already of of it Seven.
I possess in fact in my Heart shining climbed Mountains and a marvelous series of magic and enchanting Lakes and visited Places, each of which it possesses a stupendous FABLE to tell in his secret casket. To I will tell you her. Only some Patience… Have Faith!


Am his Master and Absolute Lord of All The Lakes of the Valley of Aosta. GOD has given Them for me and troubles to whom removes from me Them!!!


Io Sono il Padrone e Signore Assoluto di Tutti I Laghi della Valle d'Aosta. DIO melLi ha dati e guai a chi melLi toglie!!!


Io sono molto, ma molto più bravissimo & anche più meglio (* licenze poetiche) di Alessandro Manzoni (si, proprio quello de "I Promessi Sposi"), acché Lui scriveva per quell'unico lettore c'aveva, mentr'io ne conto di gi'anche SETTE.
Contengo infatti nel mio Cuore lucenti Montagne salite ed una serie meravigliosa di magici ed incantevoli Laghi e Luoghi visitati, ognuno dei quali nel suo scrigno segreto contiene & possiede una FAVOLA stupenda da raccontare. A voi ne favellerò. Soltanto un pochin di Pazienza … Abbiate Fede!

tHE FLIRT betweeN "Becca" & Emilius

^ ^ ^ and the loving flirtation among the draft & little little "Becca" and corpulent Emilius.

* * * This way the minuscule one "Becca" needle the whistle to the Emilius
(because he is known that they macaws always the women to attach button) and he responds him with his in a loud voice that multiplies, for fear not to be heard, also for 4/5 times; then it stops because she has already turned his back and, after having launched the stone, it hides the hand behind the back. And he doesn't turn, but he remains, crafty, turned, pretending to look above Aosta's very ancient ourg. The Emilius, patient but sulky, it observes Her from the tall one, hoping in another call, up to when, as Polyphemus, tired, frozen and "colded", it falls asleep I set to his crests turning himself among the covers of his walls. And then her "Becca", malicious, She calls again it and him naïve, as all the men, answer her and the game leaves again. From how much hard this Ambaradan? From series and you deepen effected searches, he is not able to know. To mind of man, it seems for a long time; but he is known how the same have scarce memory and, then it is not, that they are less gossipers of the women. ... For the qual thing let's free us of it without problems…


Finiron l'Estati
Soccombevan gl'Inverni
Correvan l'Ore, Giorni, Lustri e Decenni
Scorrevano i Secoli attravers'i Millenni
Migliaia e migliaia di Anni,
Passaron …… Passaron … passarono.

And at the end of every winter the Emilius found again dark him old hand and ancient, bent in ahead from the weight of its snowy "summital" hood. Also her "Becca" it counted "Her" wrinkles merciless to advance him covering her with a greenish blanket that, in appearance, it hid the folds of it. But with the arrival in the Spring everything revives: her "Pecks" it shakes him from The sets the blanket of snows with small snowslided shrugs toward the Comboé and he returns to be coquettish; the Emilius, his has cooled down, throws its heavy beret on th'and straightens the crest from great rooster, gentleman of its four valleys. And the endless merry-go-round leaves again.

Parete Nord dell Emilius
What it smokes of "anger" on the Arpisson/Fumante di "rabbia" sull'Arpisson

When it will finish this does play loving? See the two, would seem never. Him continuous to do the offended one, I toast as a boulder, and she pretends to not care looking at the North pano.
o the two Madonnas, sited around the two tops, is losing Patience . . .

* * *

^ ^ ^ eppoi una storiella con il flirt amoroso e filtrante tra il maestoso Emilius e la sottostante piccina "Becca.

* * * Così, ricevendone in risposta l'Eco, la minuscola "Becca" fa il fischio all'Emilius
(d'altronde é cosa risaputa come sian sempre le donne ad attaccar per prime bottone) e lui le risponde moltiplicando il suo vocione e, per timor di non esser udito, echeggiandolo anche 4/5 volte di seguito; poi s'ammutolisce, ché lei già s'é voltata e, scagliata la pietra, dietro la schiena nasconde la mano, fingendo di mirar sopra l'antico Borgo d'Aosta. L'Emilius, paziente, la guata dall'alto, imbronciato, sempre sperando in altra occhiata furtiva, sinché, come Polifemo, stanco, gelato ed infreddolito, s'addormenta fra le sue creste, girandosi nelle coperte delle sue pareti. Ed allora che lei, maliziosa, lo richiama nel giuoco fischiettandolo di nuovo. Da quanto tempo dura questo Ambaradan? Da seriose ricerche ed approfonditi studi, non è dato a sapersi. Ma, a mente d'uomo, par da sempre; ben si sa, però, come gli stessi posseggano scarsa memoria, eppoi che non sian men pettegoli delle donne. ... Per la qual cosa sbolognamoli pure …

(In spite of her "CONSECUTIO TEMPORUM")

They ended the Summers
The Winters succumbed
They raced the Hours, Days, Five Periods and Decades
They flowed the Centuries through the Millennia
Thousand and thousand of Years,
They passed…… they Passed… they passed.

Ed alla fin d'ogni inverno l'Emilius si ritrovò più vecchio ed antico
, ingobbito in avanti dal peso del suo sommital cappuccio nevoso. Anche la "Becca" contava le sue rughe impietose calzarsi cogl'anni ricoprendole con una coltre verdastra che, in apparenza, ne nascondeva le pieghe. Ma con l'arrivo della Primavera tutto rinasce: la "Becca" si scrolla d'addosso le coltri nevose con "spallette & spalluccie" di slavine verso il Comboé e ritorna ad esser civettuola; l'Emilius, la sua "rabbia" é sbollita, getta il suo lordo berretto sull'Arpisson, raddrizzando la cresta da gran gallo, signore delle sue quattro vallate. E la giostra infinita riparte.

Emilius s  in the SUMMIT and Surroundings EMOTIONS & SUGGESTIONS 17th, at sunsetThe "Becca" it covers him the wrinkles with the spring mantle/La "Becca" si copre le rughe con il manto primaverile

E quand'è che finirà sto' giuochino? Sembrerebbe, per i due, mai e poi mai. L'uno, fermo come un macigno, fa la parte dell'offeso guardando altrove indispettito; l'altra finge di fregarsene gustandosi il Panorama a Settentrione.
he le due Madonne di Vetta incominciano a perder la Pazienza. . .

broken'S spectre on Emilius's WEST RIDGE

BROKEN's SPECTRUM on EMILIUS's WEST Ridge, on August 1976

<font color=red> EMOTIONS</font>  & <font color=purple>SUGGESTIONS  <font color=green>DOUBLE  LAKE  and  DOUBLE  EMILIUS</font>  and  <font color=purple>DOUBLE PERSONALITY</font>
<font color=red> EMOTIONS</font> & <font color=purple>SUGGESTIONS</font> THE <font color=purple>PHANTOM</font> of <font color=red>LONELINESS</font>
WOMAN GHOSTS & the black man

1976 (Aug. 01th,11.30'~/12.00'~):*** BROKEN SPECTRUM
on NW Arête of Mont Róss de Comboé ("refraction my image overturn left - right in pinnacles climbing!"); (observation by Osvaldo Cardellina in First crossing integral from Becca di Nona to Mount Emilius, W Arête, at present Via Ferrata -2004, together Camillo Roberto Ferronato, in day from Pila). These pictures non in keeping with reality, but in order to range of examples.

u.f.o.S! U.F.O.s!! UnIdeNtIfIeD FlYiNg ObJeCtS!!!

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The sighting from the Peak of the "Becca of Ninth Hour” of Not Identified Objects (U.F.O.?)

and in the album "Emilius's in the SUMMIT and Surroundings EMOTIONS & SUGGESTIONS", to work of Osvaldo Cardellina, always in SP.

* * * * * * * * *

Besides I tell you of a mystery that is not a tale: we have in the years ascertained to the dusk particular episodes, as, from the Book of the Federigo Bivouac, they confirm mountain climber of Alexandria: "… to the evening from the Emilius strange lights and noises ... ". But of this and of other done strange in the area of the Emilius Mountain we will tell next time you, or, if you have patience, something already gimmicks in "33 ROUTES OF MONTE EMILIUS" .......

* * * * * * * * *

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L'avvistamento dalla Vetta della "Becca" di Non identificati Oggetti Volanti (U.F.O.?)

* * * * * * * * *

Inoltre VI racconto un mistero: abbiamo negli anni constatato all'imbrunire particolari episodi, come, dal Libro del Bivacco Federigo Zullo, confermano alpinisti di Alessandria: " … alla sera dall'Emilius strane luci e rumori … ". Ma di questo e di altri fatti strani nell'Area del Monte Emilius vi racconteremo la prossima volta, oppure, se avete pazienza, qualcosa già trovate in "33 ROUTES OF MONTE EMILIUS" e nell'Album "Emilius's in the SUMMIT and Surroundings EMOTIONS & SUGGESTIONS", ad opera di Osvaldo Cardellina, sempre in


+ + + + + + + + + +


^ + ^ + ^ + ^ + ^ + "THE REVENANTS" also "The RETURN of DEADS" + ^ + ^ + ^ + ^ +



1981 (Aug 06/07/08): REVENANTS or GHOSTs, PHANTOMs & SPECTREs ILLUSION? or CEUX qui REVIENNENT. Trekking in three yours in Mount Emilius Group;
in day from Pila S-SE Arête Mount Emilius's in ascent and in descent and bivouac in Old Glacier of Emilius, quota 3050m;
(07th): crossing from Arbolle's Pass - Red Points (three Summits) - Valaisan's Pass - Laures's Pass - Arbolle's Pass and bivouac idem;
(08th): from bivouac descent in Arbolle's Valley - Chamolé's Pass and crossing Testa Nera - Mount Belleface - Valletta's Point - Pian's Bessey Point in ascent and in descent - Chamolé's Pass and Lake to Pila) (Christian Gianni Ilario Cardellina, 8 years old!, dad Osvaldo and Sandrino "Lupetto" Casalegno).
(06th): thunderstorm from Three Capuchins Pass to camp in Old Glacier of Mount Emilius bivouac 19.10’/21.30'~ hour;
(07th): ... unidentifiable hand's palpations (three) from external of Salewa camp: REVENANTS!!! ... (Old Glacier haunted for RETURN'S GHOST???.
To call to account). After a long time, in an friend's architectural study, a little "rustic valdotain" old man Villeneuve's Village, a strange guy "country folk may have big boots but they've got sharp wits". Silent and quiet, like his grey working chlotes. Wrinkled such as his hat peasant of the nineteenth-century. Then the long silence, to my great surprise and unexpectedly, from its chair the sentence/saying ... mixing three languages, by ancient "valdotain" singsong, (Patois Provencal, French and Italian) for certainty of the my comprehension ... : ... "Rien d'étrange! Dans un lieu ou il y a eut une mort violent, les Esprits, non rasseignés, peuvent encore se manifester" ... " ... In local customs in place close by of tragedy Spirits those presents!" ... On August 25th, 1929 accident in East Face Emilius's in try first ascent of Wall, a long way 420 meters~ from my camp: dead the Brothers "Dino" and Jean Charrey, with Cino Norat. (All a twenty-year - old boys...) ....."

Emilius s  in the SUMMIT and Surroundings EMOTIONS & SUGGESTIONS 17th, at sunset
Evening at base of East Face/Alla sera al Lac Dessous



+ + + + + + + + + + "... After the descent from the Emilius a temporal violent gathers us in the curtain Salewa twos plazas, sets above the Lake Frozen on the ancient Glacier of the Emilius Mountain. You has instigated since 19.10' ~ at 21.30' o'clock ~ violent and prolonged.
I am very worried for his their child and, among to flash some lightnings and the rhombus "cavernous" of the thunders, that find good box of resonance against the walls of the Red Point and the Emilius, I find it hard to prender sleep. Times 1'00~: una hand, open, from the outside it crushes me the head. Surely I am dreaming in drowsiness. But the phenomenon repeats him a second time as soon as more in there in the night... Awake" Lupetto" (= Little Wolf) that calm snores. "Wolf Wolf" there is someone!" ... "Ma va là = italian expression or but you go there that bushels dreaming, what you are dreaming ... bushels dreaming, whoever want that is to this time here aloft!" ... However it doesn't pass very that touches to him and it jumps sù as a cricket... We put the frontal one and, brandishing ice-axe in hand, we go out to patrol. Will it be a chamois or a steinbock? It has candidly snowed out. Half span, and everything is firm. Mute, eternally immovable. Also the dark color and lower part sky seems suspended. As also the black great clods, still threatening. But firm. Nothing moves and there is not even trace of a birdie. We return to sleep, it does him to say. With the dawn all disappears and we departs for the crossing of the Red Points from the Arbolle's Pass to that des Laures. In the time all eclipses him in the memory of the meander of the brain... and in the meander of the memory... But years later, telling what happened in a study to a friend... an oldie, that small oldies of Aosta Valley with the graven face in papier-maché. Better in stone. Him that he/she listens in silence, almost of glass as his/her grey suit with clean shirt and without tie and the round hat from' 800 to the eyelashes. Type "big shoes and thin brain." It follows and he listens. Then, to surprise, and unpredictably it stirs from the numbness on his chair, and it exclaims. But it is not an exclamation, it is almost a sentence. Accented by that ancient it sing-songs "valdotaine" mixed to three idioms (Provenzal Patois, French and Italian), almost for fear not to be understood... "Mahhh..., ggniente of strange. Ren of étrange. Us sont les Revenants, ceux here reviennent; near if in that place has happened to death tragedian violent ou... Their Spirit n'a pas de paix... Leurs Esprits doesn't have peace"... The 25 August of 1929, to less than 420 m~ on-line of air from our curtain, his brothers' rope "Dino" and Jean Charrey and of Cino Norat fall from the East wall, to few from the peak. (All and three as soon as twenty-year old...).......".

+ + + + + + + + + +

<b>Emilius s in the SUMMIT </b>& Surr. <font color=red>EMO</font> &<font color=purple><b> SUGGESTIONS   The DARK FACE</b></font>
The Dark East Wall/Tetra e serale Faccia Est


+ + + + + + + + + + "... Dopo la discesa dall'Emilius un violento temporale ci coglie nella tendina Salewa a due piazze, posta sopra il Lago Gelato sull'Antico Ghiacciaio del Monte Emilius. Si scatena dalle 19.10'~ alle 21.30~ violentissimo e prolungato.
Sono molto preoccupato per il bambino e, tra il lampeggiare dei fulmini ed il rombo "cavernoso" dei tuoni, che trovano ottima cassa di risonanza contro le pareti della Punta Rossa e dell'Emilius, faccio fatica a prender sonno. Ore 1'00~: una mano, aperta, dall'esterno mi schiaccia la testa. Sicuramente sto sognando in dormiveglia. Ma il fenomeno si ripete una seconda volta appena più in là nella notte ... Sveglio "Lupetto" che ronfa tranquillo. "Lupo Lupo" c'é qualcuno!" ... "Ma va là che stai sognando, stai sognando ... sogni, chi vuoi che ci sia a quest'ora quassù!" ... Però non passa molto che tocca a lui e salta sù come un grillo ... Mettiamo la frontale e, brandendo piccozza in mano, usciamo a perlustrare. Sarà un camoscio o uno stambecco? Fuori, ha candidamente nevicato. Mezza spanna, e tutto é fermo. Muto, eternamente immobile. Anche lo scuro e basso cielo pare sospeso. Com'anche i neri nuvoloni, ancora minacciosi. Ma fermi. Nulla muove e non c'é traccia neppure di un'uccellino. Torniamo a dormire, si fa per dire. Con l'alba tutto scompare e partiamo per la traversata delle Punte Rosse dal Col d'Arbole a quello des Laures. Nel tempo tutto s'eclissa nella memoria dei meandri del cervello ... e nei meandri della memoria ... Ma anni dopo, raccontando l'accaduto in uno studio ad un amico ... un vecchietto, quei piccoli vecchietti valdostani con la faccia scolpita in cartapesta. Meglio in pietra. Ascoltante in silenzio, quasi di vetro, come il suo abito grigio con camicia linda e senza cravatta e il tondo cappello da '800 alle ciglia. Tipo "scarpe grosse e cervello fino". Segue e ascolta. Poi, a sorpresa, e imprevedibilmente, si muove dal torpore sulla sua sedia ed esclama. Ma non é un'esclamazione, é quasi una sentenza. Accentuata da quell'antica cantilena valdostana mischiata a tre idiomi (Provenzal Patois, Francese ed Italiano), quasi per timore di non esser inteso ... "Mahhh ..., ggniente di strano. Ren d'étrange. Ce sont les Revenants, ceux qui reviennent; sellì vicino é avvenuta una morte tragica ou violente ... Il loro Spirito n'a pas de paix ... Leurs Esprits non hanno pace" ... Il 25 Agosto del 1929, a meno di 420 m~ in linea d'aria dalla nostra tenda, la cordata dei fratelli "Dino" e Jean Charrey e di Cino Norat precipitava dalla parete Est, a poco dalla vetta. (Tutti e tre appena ventenni ...).......".

Mount MORT or DEAD Mount, Great Jorasses and Great SAINT BERNARD Pass.


JUNY 19th, 1996 from Barasson Point.


by Oswald