Granaty Climber's Log

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Ivona - Jul 13, 2013 9:31 am Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2013

Staszel pillar IV/V  Sucess!

My little dream on Hala Gasienicowa. The most difficult places have solid and fantastic rock. The pillar has got 11 pitches but we climbed 10 without easy last pitch in terrain I UIAA because of fog and late houre. Long day in hard conditions,no visibility,fog and wet rocks. However great satisfaction and friendly company,as always. Climbed with Natalia.


Ivona - Jul 13, 2013 9:24 am Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2013

Right pillar IV/+IV  Sucess!

Good training and quite solid rock,9 pitches.A little bit problem with orientation on 3 pitch.
Very hot day in Tatra. Climbed with Natalia


Ivona - Oct 8, 2012 6:45 pm Date Climbed: Oct 6, 2012

The Middle pillar III/IV with one place V- UIAA  Sucess!

Fantastic autumn climbing....dry and solid rock.Not so demanding (as I thought) route.Climbed with Natalia

Konrad Sus

Konrad Sus - Dec 13, 2011 1:30 pm Date Climbed: Aug 27, 1995

Part of Orla  Sucess!

From Krzy?ne toward Kozia Pass


KRZYS - Jul 16, 2011 7:14 am Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2011

A few times.  Sucess!

13.07.2011 -Zadni Granat, Filar Staszla(V)
Enjoyable climb in sunny day with my classmate.
14.12.2014 - Zadni Granat, Filar Staszla (V, M5-)
3h with 8 people during Grupa Mlodziezowa camp, not much snow.
16.12.2014 - Skrajny Granat, Central Rib (III/IV, place V-)
Short and easy route on the end of the meeting, however highly recommended for winter warm up. Quiet windy.


yatsek - Jan 23, 2011 5:20 pm

A few times.  Sucess!

Summer only.


mooliczek - Aug 16, 2010 7:08 am Date Climbed: Apr 4, 2009

Great scenery  Sucess!

Second time - 2011/06/05
Skrajny, Posredni i Zadni Granat. Starting up from Czarny Staw Gasienicowy, following yellow marks.
Great scenery, great company.
Trip with Igi, Ania and Andrzej.

First time - Zadni Granat - 2009/04/04
Quasi-winter, because climed already in April, however - in totally winter conditions (tones of snow). Directly from Zmarzly Staw.
Trip with Igi.


damgaard - Dec 17, 2009 2:10 am Date Climbed: Sep 14, 2009

Orla Perc

We climbed Orla Perc from Zawrat to Granaty. Weather not perfect, but once in a while the views were awesome.

Jagoda Lazarek

Jagoda Lazarek - Sep 24, 2009 8:47 am Date Climbed: Sep 19, 2009

Granaty  Sucess!

with friend, in beautiful weather


Sene - Aug 12, 2009 12:20 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2009

From Kasprowy Wierch  Sucess!

It was the 2nd time (1st was in okt.1997).
The weather was bad (wet and foggy). This panoramatic picture was taken from Kozi Wierch:

Tomek Lodowy

Tomek Lodowy - Mar 26, 2009 3:35 pm Date Climbed: Aug 10, 1998

A few times  Sucess!

A few times, quite long ago, by all marked routes.

Rysiu_rulez - Jan 11, 2009 11:44 am


From Zawrat- 2008
From Kozi Wierch- 2006


badyl - Sep 21, 2008 10:26 am Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2008

Orla Perc  Sucess!

nice trip, from Kasprowy Wierch, then Swinica and from Zawrat Orla Perc route to Krzyzne
tricky conditions but not so many people:)


visentin - Aug 29, 2008 7:16 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2008

From Zawrat to Granaty, Murowaniec on bike  Sucess!

kiflicsucsok - Dec 3, 2007 1:13 pm

Three times between 2004-06  Sucess!

Once clear weather,once snowfall in August,once foggy.


Ivona - Oct 24, 2007 11:31 am

few times

in summer and autumn.and winter on Zadni Granat always different weather
-from Kozi Wierch
-from Zleb Kulczynskiego
-from Czarny Staw Gasienicowy


Gorzi - Oct 8, 2007 2:23 am Date Climbed: Sep 29, 2007

Orla Perć  Sucess!

From Krzyżne, via Buczynowe Turnie and Orla Baszta. Descent to Kozia Dolinka Valley.


jck - Oct 7, 2007 1:00 pm

Several times  Sucess!

2024-06-23: Czech's Rib (V) and Fajki Ridge (II, var. IV) - The crux chimney still as demanding as several years ago. Pure fun on Fajki ridge.

2024-06-15: Right Rib (IV+) Second time on the route - this we were alone. First pitch is nice, the middle section is dull and the last slab also quite fun.

2024-06-08: Central Rib (IV, with Kusion Variant V- and right chimney variant V) - this time very crowded. Perfect weather made the climb really enjoyable.

2015-07-10: Czech's Rib (V) and Fajki Ridge (II) - short but nice route. The crux chimney is very enjoyable.

2015-07-09: Right Rib (IV+) - considered a classic climb, but during the summer time it's like seven pitches of nothing interesting...

2014-11-15: Staszel's Pillar (V) - very nice. The Romboidalna Plate and Overhanging Pillar are the most interesting parts of the route. Very recommendable.

2014-11-11: Central Rib (IV, with Kusion Variant V-) - short route but worth climbing. Nice day, nobody on the route...

Summited also three times via marked paths:
August 11, 1998: from Zawrat.
August 7, 1999: via Zleb Kulczynskiego.
August 21, 2002: from Kozia Przelecz.

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