Happy 'Hoppers

Happy 'Hoppers

This blissful couple of the family Acrididae was seen on the lower slopes of Mount Cardigan in August. Some of these grasshopper species have a fairly elaborate courtship ritual. Mating itself may take up to one hour, and the male may ride on the back of the female for a period of a day or more, a behavior known as mate guarding. Females oviposit in loose soil, typically among plant roots, in rotting wood, or even in dung. Clutches consist of 10-60 eggs, and females may lay up to 25 clutches over several weeks. Oviposition typically occurs in late summer, and the egg (as a developing embryo) overwinters. Eggs then hatch in the spring. Their life cycle is typically one year. A few species overwinter as juveniles (nymphs). Info from bugguide.net
on Aug 15, 2008 3:10 pm
Image Type(s): Wildlife
Image ID: 431853


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lcarreau - Nov 5, 2008 11:55 am - Voted 10/10

I grew up among

locusts and grasshoppers during my childhood
years, back when I was "knee-high" to a grasshopper.

Do you have any idea how quickly these insects can multiply? (There seemed to be tons of them in Arizona this year, among the fields of sunflowers.)

These insects really put the WILD in "Wild Couples!!!"



slowbutsteady - Dec 28, 2010 3:49 pm - Voted 10/10

very sharp

Well executed! Congratulations


sunfish - Jan 3, 2011 8:00 am - Hasn't voted

Re: very sharp

Sometimes small is tall...

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