How to Stay Warm

How to Stay Warm

Hanging out with the lava at Pacaya volcano in January 2009. Me up in the top right corner wincing in the heat. Photo: C. Forbes.
on Aug 27, 2009 3:30 am
Image ID: 545769


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lcarreau - Sep 7, 2009 6:03 pm - Voted 10/10

How's things going with

the volcanoes? Are things "heating up" yet ?


Baarb - Sep 8, 2009 1:47 am - Hasn't voted

Re: How's things going with

Haha, things are going ok. Nothing major going on as far as I know though interestingly the magma body under my current residence in the US has been growing restless. Hopefully there'll be an eruption soon, I'm sure the few thousand inhabitants will be eager for something exciting to happen!


lcarreau - Sep 8, 2009 10:32 am - Voted 10/10

Re: How's things going with

Guess that's something for the next generation to be "looking forward" to.

It would be nice to fill the Earth's
atmosphere with ash clouds, and possibly get
some "global cooling" underway!


Baarb - Oct 27, 2011 2:24 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: How's things going with

Perhaps though some might say that it would have a side effect of decreasing various kinds of rainfall. Unfortunately while some places have too much water some places don't have enough. Maintaining the sunlight and reducing greenhouse gases is probably a safer bet. I'm slightly fearful to look in the forums and see who's arguing what.


lcarreau - Oct 27, 2011 7:43 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: How's things going with

Yes, I've been fearful of the Forums, too.

Seems like a lot of people who used to have
a keen sense of humor are getting downright

Well, I guess there's some things you don't
screw around with, and active volcanoes
would be one of them. Unless, of course,
you have the knowledge and common sense to
know how to deal with an "unpredictable" science.

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