Nice Axe! - Sep 16, 2009 4:27 pm Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2009
Apostle Traverse (N to W)
I'd been eying this traverse since 2005 and finally made it up there. The climb to North Apostle & Ice Mtn was really fun with big talus high up just below the saddle. The traverse to West and the descent were slogs!
scotthsu - Aug 23, 2009 11:03 am Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2009
Ice Cubed pt 2
Via NE ridge after climbing N. Apostle; the route from the saddle to the summit was a real pleasure with pretty solid scrambling. We did the direct class 4 finish of the upper gully which was exciting. Too bad the scrambling was over so quickly after such a long slog to the saddle!
altitude14er - May 31, 2009 12:54 am Date Climbed: May 30, 2009
Route Climbed: Refrigerator Couloir
We started climbing towards the infamous 'Fridge' at 3am. Snow conditions were snowshoes needed. We were lucky enough to get no falling rock in the couloir..a hazard it is well known for! The traverse to N.Apostle was too harry due to snow accumulation..we ended up descending the 'Fridge'
Randonnee - Mar 9, 2009 8:55 pm Date Climbed: Aug 23, 1974
Great Climb
Part of a group from Prescott College's Challenge/Discovery Program.
heather14 - Aug 24, 2008 9:34 pm Date Climbed: Aug 23, 2008
Traverse from Huron to West Apostle
Tagged Ice along the way from Huron to W. Apostle. A great mountain, but the decent down the gully wasn't exactly fun. An awesome and very looong day.
cp0915 - Aug 3, 2008 7:08 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2008
NE Ridge
Fun and scenic route. Hit North Apostle afterward.
Pete Castricone - Jul 1, 2008 5:20 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2008
Refrigerator Coulior
Good times.
Kiefer - Jun 30, 2008 1:54 am Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2008
via The Fridge
A wildly fun and exciting mountain! Throughly enjoyed the snowclimb and scramble to the summit. This mountain is SO out of character for the Sawatch.
utclimber - Jun 28, 2008 8:23 pm Date Climbed: Jun 21, 2008
Traverse from N Apostle
Lots of snow up there still at this time of year.
SarahThompson - May 16, 2008 5:48 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2005
Ice Cubed: Three Apostles Traverse / Refrigerator Couloir
9/4/05 - Ice Cubed - Epic day with plenty of scrambling in an uncharacteristically interesting area of the Sawatch.
Did the traverse from North to West Apostle. Upper couloir was a bit wet/snowy from a morning storm. The n.e. ridge was surprisingly solid, at least compared to the Elks/San Juans! Classic summit that deserves respect. Traverse to West will test your routefinding.
Brian Kalet - Aug 4, 2006 3:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2006
Wow! Spectacular mountain, great climb. Were planning on doing N apostle but decided not to push our luck. Got off route on the descent and were committed to downclimbing one of the couloirs. Scary...
shanahan96 - Jul 10, 2006 3:06 am Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2006
Apostle Couloir and Southwest Ridge
7-7-06: what an interesting day! had planned to climb the refrigerator, but it's out for the year. the apostle couloir made for a nice climb until the final 20-30 feet when scree and ice patches made life miserable. climbed the southwest ridge direct from, that's one impressive, complicated route. had to drop off the ridge twice, was very impressive. ice, a worthy challenge.
5-30-09: returned to climb the refrigerator with mike, milburn and steve. great snow conditions led to a classic climb, but unfortunately the descent wasn't that great. we ended up on a sketchy traverse towards north apostle before bailing off into the left branch of the refrigerator. what an outing!
score: ice mountain 2, jamie 2
guess i need a return engagement sometime to break this tie?
Ryan Kowalski - May 20, 2006 12:18 am Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2002
Apostle Traverse (W to N)
This was an aboslute blast. I really enjoyed the traverse from West Apostle and like Layne I had some route finding oopsies. Make sure you aim for the correct summit (cross the major gully that separates the false summit lower). I followed the face on the side of the gully to the false summit and found myself unable to downclimb the very steep notch. A great routefinding testpiece and a great summit. Easily one of my Colorado favorites
Route Climbed: Northeast Ridge Date Climbed: July 19th, 2004
Climbed this one with Colonalpyat. I had wanted Ice's summit for over a year, and finally made it. The Apostle Massif is gorgeous to look at, but a little loose to climb.
Route Climbed: Northeast Ridge Date Climbed: July 19, 2004
Climbed this on with Kane after camping at the 4WD trailhead. We got an early start and were up to the crux gully with minimal problems. From below, this section (the right side of the gully) looked real easy and I started up without giving it too much thought. It's harder than it looks and it probably took eight minutes to safely do those fifty feet. An easier downclimb was immediately spotted from the top of this section and it required about two minutes on the descent.
Nice Axe! - Sep 16, 2009 4:27 pm Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2009
Apostle Traverse (N to W)I'd been eying this traverse since 2005 and finally made it up there. The climb to North Apostle & Ice Mtn was really fun with big talus high up just below the saddle. The traverse to West and the descent were slogs!
scotthsu - Aug 23, 2009 11:03 am Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2009
Ice Cubed pt 2Via NE ridge after climbing N. Apostle; the route from the saddle to the summit was a real pleasure with pretty solid scrambling. We did the direct class 4 finish of the upper gully which was exciting. Too bad the scrambling was over so quickly after such a long slog to the saddle!
altitude14er - May 31, 2009 12:54 am Date Climbed: May 30, 2009
Route Climbed: Refrigerator CouloirWe started climbing towards the infamous 'Fridge' at 3am. Snow conditions were snowshoes needed. We were lucky enough to get no falling rock in the couloir..a hazard it is well known for! The traverse to N.Apostle was too harry due to snow accumulation..we ended up descending the 'Fridge'
Randonnee - Mar 9, 2009 8:55 pm Date Climbed: Aug 23, 1974
Great ClimbPart of a group from Prescott College's Challenge/Discovery Program.
heather14 - Aug 24, 2008 9:34 pm Date Climbed: Aug 23, 2008
Traverse from Huron to West ApostleTagged Ice along the way from Huron to W. Apostle. A great mountain, but the decent down the gully wasn't exactly fun. An awesome and very looong day.
cp0915 - Aug 3, 2008 7:08 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2008
NE RidgeFun and scenic route. Hit North Apostle afterward.
Pete Castricone - Jul 1, 2008 5:20 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2008
Refrigerator CouliorGood times.
Kiefer - Jun 30, 2008 1:54 am Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2008
via The FridgeA wildly fun and exciting mountain! Throughly enjoyed the snowclimb and scramble to the summit. This mountain is SO out of character for the Sawatch.
utclimber - Jun 28, 2008 8:23 pm Date Climbed: Jun 21, 2008
Traverse from N ApostleLots of snow up there still at this time of year.
SarahThompson - May 16, 2008 5:48 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2005
Ice Cubed: Three Apostles Traverse / Refrigerator Couloir9/4/05 - Ice Cubed - Epic day with plenty of scrambling in an uncharacteristically interesting area of the Sawatch.
6/22/08 - Went back for the Refrigerator - sweet!
shknbke - Sep 17, 2007 2:15 pm Date Climbed: Sep 15, 2007
ne ridgeDid the traverse from North to West Apostle. Upper couloir was a bit wet/snowy from a morning storm. The n.e. ridge was surprisingly solid, at least compared to the Elks/San Juans! Classic summit that deserves respect. Traverse to West will test your routefinding.
Brian Kalet - Aug 4, 2006 3:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2006
Apsostle Traverse (North to West)9 hours roundtrip from 2WD.
jratk - Jul 24, 2006 10:08 pm Date Climbed: Jul 20, 2001
NE ridgeWow! Spectacular mountain, great climb. Were planning on doing N apostle but decided not to push our luck. Got off route on the descent and were committed to downclimbing one of the couloirs. Scary...
shanahan96 - Jul 10, 2006 3:06 am Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2006
Apostle Couloir and Southwest Ridge7-7-06: what an interesting day! had planned to climb the refrigerator, but it's out for the year. the apostle couloir made for a nice climb until the final 20-30 feet when scree and ice patches made life miserable. climbed the southwest ridge direct from, that's one impressive, complicated route. had to drop off the ridge twice, was very impressive. ice, a worthy challenge.
5-30-09: returned to climb the refrigerator with mike, milburn and steve. great snow conditions led to a classic climb, but unfortunately the descent wasn't that great. we ended up on a sketchy traverse towards north apostle before bailing off into the left branch of the refrigerator. what an outing!
score: ice mountain 2, jamie 2
guess i need a return engagement sometime to break this tie?
Ryan Kowalski - May 20, 2006 12:18 am Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2002
Apostle Traverse (W to N)This was an aboslute blast. I really enjoyed the traverse from West Apostle and like Layne I had some route finding oopsies. Make sure you aim for the correct summit (cross the major gully that separates the false summit lower). I followed the face on the side of the gully to the false summit and found myself unable to downclimb the very steep notch. A great routefinding testpiece and a great summit. Easily one of my Colorado favorites
Kane - Aug 23, 2004 8:52 pm
Route Climbed: Northeast Ridge Date Climbed: July 19th, 2004Climbed this one with Colonalpyat. I had wanted Ice's summit for over a year, and finally made it. The Apostle Massif is gorgeous to look at, but a little loose to climb.
Colonelpyat - Jul 23, 2004 12:45 am
Route Climbed: Northeast Ridge Date Climbed: July 19, 2004Climbed this on with Kane after camping at the 4WD trailhead. We got an early start and were up to the crux gully with minimal problems. From below, this section (the right side of the gully) looked real easy and I started up without giving it too much thought. It's harder than it looks and it probably took eight minutes to safely do those fifty feet. An easier downclimb was immediately spotted from the top of this section and it required about two minutes on the descent.