Is it higher?

Is it higher?

This is a photo of what Klenke calls "north summit" from the "south summit" of Davis Peak. For Paul, it would be very important to visit the higher peak because one of them has over 400 feet of prominence. For us (Dean, Eric, and me), it really didn't matter because we're not chasing 400-foot prominences - we're after 2000-foot prominences instead. Anyway, since it is likely that both of these summits are within the same elevation contour, one would have to visit both in order to be certain of getting the true 400-foot prominence point. This photo could make a case that the north summit is actually lower, although there can be no proof without good equipment. I base this on the fact that the reddish point beyond the summit ridge (right of the highest point) has an elevation of 6,566. The summit we're standing on is probably about 6,500 feet. The label on the topo map says 6,490 feet for a point that is clearly lower than the south summit. The highest point on the north summit appears a tad higher than distant point 6,566, but the curvature of the earth would make point 6,566 appear somewhat lower than it is. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that the south summit is higher than the north summit, but to me it doesn't really matter. Be that as it may, the massif at the left tops out with the summit of Granite Mountain, while the double-peaked mountain on the right is The Cradle. Just behind and right of The Cradle is "Big Chiwaukum". July 21, 2007.
Bob Bolton
on Jul 24, 2007 7:30 pm
Image Type(s): Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 315823


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Dennis Poulin

Dennis Poulin - Oct 15, 2007 1:12 pm - Voted 10/10

It really doesn't matter?

Sure Bob, "to me it doesn't really matter" can't possibly be true. I know you and if it didn't matter, you wouldn't be there taking the picture! If the north summit was higher, you would be taking a picture from the opposite direction. Heal soon, Dennis

Bob Bolton

Bob Bolton - Oct 15, 2007 8:00 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: It really doesn't matter?

Well, if I were chasing 400-foot prominences it would matter. The only reason we came to this south summit was in search of a route to Goat Mountain. We found a route, although not from this summit, but there wasn't enough daylight to cover the required distance and return to our vehicles. So we made the most of a lost day, and it was fun anyway. Slow but noticeable progress on the quad. Would be great to be healed enough in November to head south and bag a P2K or two. -Bob

Bob Bolton

Bob Bolton - Jan 12, 2010 10:06 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: It really doesn't matter?

OK Dennis, you got me here after all. I am now indeed chasing not only P400s but P300s as well! :-) But only as byproducts of some other effort, and they must be either low-hanging fruit or be the only opportunity available at the time without taking away the chance for something better. So you were right! :-)


gimpilator - Jun 9, 2016 12:39 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: It really doesn't matter?

Yesterday we visited all 4 peaks of Davis including a traverse to Goat. The south peak does appear to be lower from the north peak, but the verdict is still out. Here is a photo of the south peak from the north peak.

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