colinr - Dec 7, 2012 3:30 am Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2007
Via the road/trail to the lake, then bushwacking
Headed up with Juan, Luis, and the dogs. Once was enough with so many nicer spots nearby that don't require as much travel through sharp brush.
cdog - Feb 22, 2012 3:51 pm Date Climbed: Oct 11, 2008
crisp day
I believe my friend Andy originally had the idea to check out this mountain. We brought our wives and dogs and had a good time exploring for the weekend. We set up base camp below the peak at Cow Creek, which was great but chilly (single digits - gotta love that cold Lassen autumn weather). We drove to an old log landing at the end of Forest Road 32N47A on State land and then scrambled up the southwest side of the peak. The brush was unavoidable, but we did find a pretty reasonable route through it and everybody made it with minimal scratches, including the pups. Once you gain the tallus the views just pop out. Definitely a fun little adventure with great vistas and nobody around.
colinr - Dec 7, 2012 3:30 am Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2007
Via the road/trail to the lake, then bushwackingHeaded up with Juan, Luis, and the dogs. Once was enough with so many nicer spots nearby that don't require as much travel through sharp brush.
cdog - Feb 22, 2012 3:51 pm Date Climbed: Oct 11, 2008
crisp dayI believe my friend Andy originally had the idea to check out this mountain. We brought our wives and dogs and had a good time exploring for the weekend. We set up base camp below the peak at Cow Creek, which was great but chilly (single digits - gotta love that cold Lassen autumn weather). We drove to an old log landing at the end of Forest Road 32N47A on State land and then scrambled up the southwest side of the peak. The brush was unavoidable, but we did find a pretty reasonable route through it and everybody made it with minimal scratches, including the pups. Once you gain the tallus the views just pop out. Definitely a fun little adventure with great vistas and nobody around.