Katahdin Climber's Log

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BergFlicka - May 26, 2010 3:27 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 1995

Beautiful  Sucess!

Went up the knife edge and loved my day on the mountain.

BrookTroutLeiphart - May 20, 2010 2:28 pm Date Climbed: Oct 6, 1973

best hike in the NE   Sucess!

Ice everywhere & 100 yard visibility=no view. My 3rd HP. Went back in Sept. 1987 and spent 2 nights at Chimney Pond hut. Spent an hour or more on top and saw 2 nurses from Atlanta come up the AT and give a big high-5. Yes, they finished the AT! Hiked down the knife edge in perfect warm weather. It's the best hike in the NE! Finished the 50 state high points in 2002 (#111).


bryangast - Jan 7, 2010 8:39 pm Date Climbed: Oct 4, 1996

Nice hike  Sucess!

Some fog, but a nice easy hike via the "knife edge". I must say that the route sounded much more spectacular than it really was.

Vizzini - Dec 18, 2009 10:58 am

Started Here  Sucess!

I've probably climbed Katahdin 15 times over the years, first time when I was about 7. My father used to take us just about every summer. My younger brother did it when he was 5 (!!) we have the pictures to prove it. I have a 5 year old of my own now and can't imagine... looking forward to bringing him in a few years though.


mountaindan - Dec 14, 2009 6:40 pm Date Climbed: Sep 9, 2009

Beautiful Days  Sucess!

Three of the most Beautiful days, perfect weather and no bugs.
Camped at Roaring brook (with the Bears) climbed Helon Taylor and descended Cathedral trail. I cant wait to go back, hopefully for a winter ascent


JHH60 - Nov 2, 2009 11:24 pm Date Climbed: Sep 30, 1978

First summit in college

Climbed via the Knife Edge with the Harvard Outing Club during my Freshman year in college. Beautiful hike.


birdhead - Oct 9, 2009 10:01 pm Date Climbed: Oct 6, 2009

One Day Window  Sucess!

I had a one day window for a Katahdin climb and made plans to go up the Helon Taylor trail , across the Knife Edge, and then down the Saddle trail. Unfortunately, the weather had other plans. The park rangers insisted that I ascend the Saddle trail and evaluate the possibility of descending the Knife Edge once on the summit. I did as they recommended and was the first to summit that day. On top it became very clear to me that the Knife Edge was not happening because the winds were blowing 45 mph, the visibility was 100ft, hail was coming down, and the ambient temperature was easily below freezing. I ultimately just descended the Saddle trail and felt lucky to reach the summit at all, as the weather continued to degrade over the next couple of days. Despite being unable to experience the Knife Edge, I felt it was still a really impressive mountain in a beautiful area full of amazing fall colors.


derekthered - Sep 23, 2009 12:42 am Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2007

holy cow  Sucess!

hiked up the hunt spur in a rain storm. nearly got blown off the mountain, so we had to scratch our plans for the knife edge. oh well...


imzadi - Sep 14, 2009 1:39 pm Date Climbed: Aug 29, 2009

FINALLY  Sucess!

Up Cathedral, down Helon Taylor

AWESOME...well worth the wait!


IHaveArrived - Aug 30, 2009 6:43 pm Date Climbed: Aug 4, 2009

Beautiful day on Katahdin  Sucess!

I lucked out and summited Mt. Katahdin on a beautiful August day without a cloud in the sky. In fact on the descent, the afternoon sun had baked the rocks enough that it felt like hiking in a furnace and I quickly went through the 2l of water I carried.


iditarod81 - Aug 25, 2009 8:20 pm

Cathedral Ridge  Sucess!

Did this in '06. So much fun!! Reminds me of Kelso Ridge on Torreys Peak in CO.


Lenny72 - Aug 2, 2009 5:31 pm Date Climbed: Mar 18, 1999

To the Summit of Mount Katahdin  Sucess!

Long winter approach in. Weather was marginal but we made it to the summit! Total mileage, including approach, climb to summit, general hiking around in Baxter State Park, and back to our cars was 44 miles in 3.5 days. Very exhausting but beautiful! However, I have no desire to do another winter trip there. The approach to the base of the mountain is 13 miles alone! In winter, you are too far from help should anything go wrong.


weathergirl42 - Jul 6, 2009 2:34 pm Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2009

Katahdin Rocks!  Sucess!

Ascended via Hunt Trail into the worst weather I've ever seen. The wind was literally knocking me off my feet and it was pelting ice-cold rain. Descended on Saddle to Baxter Peak Cutoff back to Hunt. Solo summit on my 29th birthday! HP #5. I can't wait to go back in nice weather and try the Knife's Edge!


osatrik - Jun 29, 2009 4:46 pm Date Climbed: Jun 7, 1989

SHP # 33, in 1989  Sucess!

Easily the most interesting of the east coast state highpoints to climb, my daughter and I did this climb after a 6 month hiatus from highpointing, the longest drought up to that point. We had a wonderful experience, including having a moose stroll though our Chimney Pond camp. We did the full traverse, up to Chimney Peak, and then across the so-called knife edge to the summit, before descending the Saddle Trail. Katahdin was number 33 of my 49 state high points, and number 32 for Vanessa.


Hotoven - Apr 20, 2009 2:06 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2002

First heavy duty rock scramble  Sucess!

Climbed it with my family. It was very fun and worth the trip! It was the highlight of the trip given the view once we hit the top.


SLinehan88 - Dec 8, 2008 1:06 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2008

Cathedral, saddle  Sucess!

Low clouds and rain made Cathedral trail an interesting climb. Visibility was only 20 feet at times, but once we got above the clouds it was great.


jamesmh - Nov 30, 2008 11:10 am Date Climbed: Oct 3, 2007

I granite  Sucess!

I did the "usual" route up Katahdin via the AT. Once above tree line the hike up the granite is fantastic.


kavak - Oct 15, 2008 10:10 am Date Climbed: Jun 21, 2004

Via Saddle Trail  Sucess!

This was my second attempt. In May of 1997 there was too much snow on the mountain for the rangers to open the peak. This is an impressive mountain even for someone from Colorado. My youngest son and I climbed into the clouds. There were no views at the summit other than the numerous summit signs.


climbhighnow - Oct 6, 2008 9:49 am Date Climbed: Sep 30, 2008

Dudley Trail>Knife Edge>Saddle Tral  Sucess!

Had a lucky break in the weather until about half way across the knife edge, from then on the mountain was totally socked in by clouds. Amazing place though, and prob. my new favorite east coast mountain.


imzadi - Sep 30, 2008 8:50 am Date Climbed: Sep 28, 2008

attempt thwarted!!

It figures...no hurracaines have come close to Maine in quite a few years. The weekend we planned to hike Katahdin (since MAY!!), hurracaine Kyle decides to make an appearance!! They shut down the mountain...so much for being on top of the world (in Maine anyway)! Heck, got to camp out at Chimney Pond Campground and look at the beautiful mountain (when the fog and clouds allowed me to). I'm SO glad we had a tarp for that evening...
Oh well...as the old addage goes...the mountain ain't going anywhere.

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