Kor-Fuller, III, 5.10dRX

Kor-Fuller, III, 5.10dRX

4th-6th Pitches- 180m+- 5th/ This is where the Kor-Fuller route joins the Greenwood/MacKay route. The first 60 meters follows a rib as it moves out left and up. Belay short of a nice ledge so you can access a crack for pro. The 2nd 60m is just more of the same, moving up right following the main ridge at this point. The 3rd 60m+ is more interesting, climbing a few short steep sections with miscellaneous cracks, but still never beyond mid 5th class in my opinion. Simul-climb this 6th pitch so you can reach a narrow ledge below loose terrain. Kor-Fuller, III, 5.10dRX, 12 Pitches, Mount Louis, Banff National Park, August, 2009
Dow Williams
on Sep 15, 2009 6:03 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 553793


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