Kuss Peak Climber's Log

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Woodie Hopper

Woodie Hopper - Sep 28, 2024 2:13 pm Date Climbed: Sep 28, 2024

13er combo  Sucess!

3rd peak, came from Treasurevault. Pretty sure I’ve hiked this one before from Mosquito Pass. Gorgeous day, had enough left in the tank so headed to Evans (B) next!


BradBartick - Oct 1, 2016 8:07 pm Date Climbed: Oct 1, 2016

Fall is nigh upon us  Sucess!

W/Michelle, nice fall weather.


telemarkdude - Sep 4, 2016 11:42 pm Date Climbed: Nov 17, 2012

Repeater Peak  Sucess!

Nice peak to hike/ski in the Winter/Spring.


shanahan96 - Dec 5, 2014 12:16 am Date Climbed: Oct 13, 2007

many peaks  Sucess!

part of a big mosquito range loop, feels like winter is on the way



rmjwinters - Aug 22, 2014 6:31 pm Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2014

Mosquito Loop  Sucess!

Started on Tweto and traversed to Repeater/Kuss.

Liba Kopeckova

Liba Kopeckova - Oct 13, 2013 10:42 pm Date Climbed: Oct 13, 2013

Nice hike   Sucess!

Nice hike with Senad and Duchess. Started at Treasurevault, over Mosquito to Kuss, and continued onto London.

Senad Rizvanovic

Senad Rizvanovic - Oct 13, 2013 8:51 pm Date Climbed: Oct 13, 2013

Mosquito Loop  Sucess!

Together with some others 13ers in the range, great company, great mountains, great scenery and great weather.

milan - Oct 24, 2012 5:33 pm Date Climbed: May 27, 2012

Mosquito  Sucess!

Great holidays that I spent in the mountains. First day, I hiked Jacque Peak and Pennsylvania Mountain. It was very smoky that day, first glimpse on the fire season. View of Tenmiles are great. Second day I hiked Tweto, Mosquito, Treasurevault, Repeater, Evans B and London. Great and long trip.


MountainHikerCO - Aug 28, 2012 10:25 pm Date Climbed: Jun 16, 2012

Loop Hike  Sucess!

Combined with Tweto, Treasurevault & Mosquito

Matt Lemke

Matt Lemke - Apr 7, 2012 10:25 pm Date Climbed: Apr 6, 2012

Peak number 7  Sucess!

in my Mosquito range traverse (Started at Horseshoe Peak via Leavick)


theREALCarpeDM - Jan 8, 2012 10:07 pm Date Climbed: Jan 8, 2012

looped with 3 others  Sucess!

with Brian, Jon, and Aaron (and Okie). I was incredibly slow, but got this plus Tweto, Treasurevault, and Mosquito.

Foxy Long Bottoms

Foxy Long Bottoms - Oct 18, 2010 11:43 am Date Climbed: Oct 17, 2010

5 Peaks  Sucess!

London, Repeater, Mosquito, Treasurvault, Point 13 something and Tweto.

Brian Kalet

Brian Kalet - Oct 1, 2010 6:42 pm Date Climbed: Sep 9, 2007

6 Peaks  Sucess!



shknbke - Dec 13, 2009 9:42 pm Date Climbed: Dec 12, 2009

East ridge from London  Sucess!

Hit Repeater on the way to Mosquito from London in stiff winds. Nice intro to winter conditions hike.


SarahThompson - Dec 12, 2009 11:11 pm Date Climbed: Dec 12, 2009

Windy december day  Sucess!

12/12/09 - Hiked London Mountain, "Repeater Peak", Mosquito Peak and Treasurevault Mountain. Started near the London Mine. Cold & windy.

3/15/15 - Started hiking at the winter closure near Paris Mill on the Kite Lake road. Lovelend -> Buckskin -> Tweto -> Treasurevault -> Mosquito -> Kuss -> London. Ended at Mosquito Pass winter closure (car shuttle).


crzyjt - Oct 12, 2009 11:07 pm Date Climbed: Oct 12, 2009

Arkansas,Tweto,Treasurevault,Mosquito,"Repeater"  Sucess!

Traverse from Climax Mine across 5 peaks to Mosquito Pass and down to a second vehicle. Fun day.


MattK - Sep 22, 2009 8:14 am Date Climbed: Oct 17, 2007

Treasurevault-Mosquito-"Repeater"-London  Sucess!

Dog and I. Fun trip, bit windy and cool, but did not see one person, the solitude was great!!

Sarah Simon

Sarah Simon - Sep 15, 2009 9:59 pm Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2009

"Repeater", Mosquito & Treasurevault from Mosquito Creek  Sucess!

Brrr. This was the first day in months that I needed my balaklava. We loved the fall colors blazing into glory. The scramble up the eastern ridge of "Repeater Peak" was steepish but pleasant. Partners: Deb & Eric.

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