adamschneider - Aug 13, 2022 12:19 am Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2022
Class 3 scramble
I went up the rock gully in the middle of the south side; there was one spot about halfway up that gave me some difficulty on both the ascent and descent. I didn't use any climbing gear, but people who do may be interested to know that there are a couple of rappel slings in the big tree near the summit.
cascadescrambler - Aug 28, 2019 7:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 1990
South scramble route
spephsteph - Mar 5, 2019 12:09 pm Date Climbed: Apr 28, 2018
Lane Peak
Boealps BCC climb via standard south face.
blakemj33 - Jun 11, 2017 10:33 am Date Climbed: May 6, 2017
Love in Lane
Climbed Lane Peak Lover's Lane. Super easy styrofoam stepping. Didn't need to set pro but did since it was the first climb I did in three years because of two knee surgeries. Good to refresh. Got to the top and rapped down about 75-80ft. Soloed up the last bit of the zipper. Had a hard time with the top because the snow was super soft and it was easy to fall through in places to the boulders underneath the snow.
jacobsmith - May 31, 2015 11:02 am Date Climbed: May 9, 2015
Short-ish, fun scramble. almost completely free of snow
gimpilator - May 10, 2015 1:03 am Date Climbed: May 9, 2015
Plummer, Denman, Lane
A nice Spring outing with Matt, Jacob and Chad. I brought a rope and harness for a rappel, but opted not to use it. It's a steep loose scramble up the final gully, but fun despite all that.
Dan Winter - Sep 30, 2013 6:02 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2013
Tatoosh Traverse
Summit number four in our traverse from Pinnacle to Lane. This one was the funnest scramble!
Matt Lemke - May 6, 2013 9:19 pm Date Climbed: Apr 27, 2013
South side
Want to go back for the north face couloirs!
olymountainman - Feb 4, 2013 12:55 am Date Climbed: Feb 3, 2013
Good climb up the zipper today. Didn't see the need for roping up or placing any pro in the zipper itself, although we had it. We didn't summit via the standard chute on the south side. Instead we climbed the very steep chute you see directly to west when come out of the zipper, it was sketchy good, no pro placed here either :) All of this was during quite the whiteout.
Mountainjeff - Dec 25, 2010 1:17 am Date Climbed: Nov 22, 2010
The Fly
Climbed The Fly in variable snow conditions. Most of the coulier was in pretty good shape, but there were some areas of wallowing due to deep powder. The large boulder about half way up is still exposed, but passable if you bring ice tools. The summit block was covered in loosely consolidated snice, so we decided the coulier was good enough.
My favorite of our traverse day. Great climb up, awesome little knife edge summit, awesome views, fun rappel down. Thanks Kevin for a fun safe trip! Next stop: Wahpenayo
thundercloud - May 20, 2008 11:18 am Date Climbed: May 17, 2008
Zipper Dee Doo Da
Climb w/ BJ; route and conditions permitted us a pretty easy climb. Zipper Route likely to be gone for year soon, as one section up high will break up further with warm temps and become difficult to negotiate. Moats on top were the definate crux on this day. Fun times!
Brian Jenkins - Nov 25, 2007 2:51 am Date Climbed: Nov 23, 2007
Zip that Fly
11-23-07 - Too Early - Itching to get on some snow, Ian and I drove up to MRNP in the morning after hearing about how the Cascades had gotten like 2 feet of snow the weekend before. Problem was, that was about all this one had gotten. We planned to climb one of the two main couloirs but from the start it looked more like rock than snow.
Hiked down from Narada Falls and went cross country down into the drainage on the north side of the Tatoosh. Crossed some creeks and then bushwhacked up some tough vine maple, devils club and blackberry brambles. Got to the base of the rock and traversed west. Looked up The Zipper to see mostly ice and rock and didn't want anything to do with that one.
Donned crampons and made our way into The Fly which looked more promising but it was thin crust (or no crust at all) over sugar snow about a foot (at most) deep. We got up about halfway the couloir before a large boulder blocked our way.
Ian tried heading right but it was just exposed unprotectable rock. There was an icy chimney under the rock and then up but the ice was thin and did not sound right. Had to give up and downclimb 600 feet (not fun) with the thought of coming back much later in the season when this one fills in. Got back down to the creeks as darkness fell. Full moon lit our way back to the trail.
5/17/08 - Almost Too Late - Headed up with Ron in the early am. Started from Narada about 7:30. Lots more snow than November, we were able to pretty much make a beeline to the base of the route although we had to think light thoughts while crossing the stream (which was raging under the snow and breaking through in a few spots). Only about an hour to the base of The Zipper which we decided to do since we could see on the hike in that it was in.
A couple of rocks the size of frisbees whipped past us as we prepared to climb so I ended up doing most of the route with my head up watching for them. We took turns kicking steps. Must have been due to the NW-facing aspect of this protected gully but the snow was fairly decent (we had been worried about slush due to the near 90-degree temps in the area). About halfway up we climbed through most of the rockfall area and then cruised to the top of the route.
Once up, we were on the south-facing slopes of the summit pinnacle which were really slushy. We headed up what looked to be the obvious gully but came to an impassable moat shortly into it. We climbed up and right onto the rocks where we took off crampons and found a way to scramble to the summit ridge. From there, it was a short snowy edge to the summit.
We scrambled down west on the summit ridge to a tree where we rapped down over a couple deep moats/cracks in the snow we would not have wanted to downclimb. Then it was lots of slushy snow on the hike out from the saddle between Lane and Denman. Warm day but fun. Ended up having burgers at the place just outside the park entrance.
Pretty exposed scramble. Folks concerned with exposure may want to bring along a handline.
osatrik - Aug 26, 2006 4:14 pm Date Climbed: Jun 8, 1996
OSAT Tatoosh Traverse
Six OSATers did the Traverse in the late spring from The Castle to Eagle, summiting them all. We camped just south of Lane Peak, which is the most enjoyable of the scrambles.
adamschneider - Aug 13, 2022 12:19 am Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2022
Class 3 scrambleI went up the rock gully in the middle of the south side; there was one spot about halfway up that gave me some difficulty on both the ascent and descent. I didn't use any climbing gear, but people who do may be interested to know that there are a couple of rappel slings in the big tree near the summit.
cascadescrambler - Aug 28, 2019 7:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 1990
LaneSouth scramble route
spephsteph - Mar 5, 2019 12:09 pm Date Climbed: Apr 28, 2018
Lane PeakBoealps BCC climb via standard south face.
blakemj33 - Jun 11, 2017 10:33 am Date Climbed: May 6, 2017
Love in LaneClimbed Lane Peak Lover's Lane. Super easy styrofoam stepping. Didn't need to set pro but did since it was the first climb I did in three years because of two knee surgeries. Good to refresh. Got to the top and rapped down about 75-80ft. Soloed up the last bit of the zipper. Had a hard time with the top because the snow was super soft and it was easy to fall through in places to the boulders underneath the snow.
jacobsmith - May 31, 2015 11:02 am Date Climbed: May 9, 2015
LaneShort-ish, fun scramble. almost completely free of snow
gimpilator - May 10, 2015 1:03 am Date Climbed: May 9, 2015
Plummer, Denman, LaneA nice Spring outing with Matt, Jacob and Chad. I brought a rope and harness for a rappel, but opted not to use it. It's a steep loose scramble up the final gully, but fun despite all that.
Dan Winter - Sep 30, 2013 6:02 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2013
Tatoosh TraverseSummit number four in our traverse from Pinnacle to Lane. This one was the funnest scramble!
samhalai - Jul 16, 2013 3:43 pm Date Climbed: Apr 28, 2013
Fun quick climb, awesome summitWhat a fun little peak!
Matt Lemke - May 6, 2013 9:19 pm Date Climbed: Apr 27, 2013
South sideWant to go back for the north face couloirs!
olymountainman - Feb 4, 2013 12:55 am Date Climbed: Feb 3, 2013
ZipperedGood climb up the zipper today. Didn't see the need for roping up or placing any pro in the zipper itself, although we had it. We didn't summit via the standard chute on the south side. Instead we climbed the very steep chute you see directly to west when come out of the zipper, it was sketchy good, no pro placed here either :) All of this was during quite the whiteout.
bellinghamclimber - Apr 15, 2012 3:52 pm Date Climbed: Apr 14, 2012
Nice day on the zipperHeaded up the zipper under great springtime conditions! Ice tools were helpful, as well as some pickets for the summit ridge.
bellinghamclimber - Apr 15, 2012 3:41 pm Date Climbed: Apr 14, 2012
Rippin' up the ZipperClimbed the zipper route under gorgeous conditions! It helped to have a couple of ice tools, and the snow in the couloir was nice and firm.
ExcitableBoy - Dec 27, 2010 11:06 am
North Face (some couloir) in winterShort approach, easy climb.
Mountainjeff - Dec 25, 2010 1:17 am Date Climbed: Nov 22, 2010
The FlyClimbed The Fly in variable snow conditions. Most of the coulier was in pretty good shape, but there were some areas of wallowing due to deep powder. The large boulder about half way up is still exposed, but passable if you bring ice tools. The summit block was covered in loosely consolidated snice, so we decided the coulier was good enough.
All around a fantastic climb!
vermeer - Jul 25, 2009 10:25 pm Date Climbed: Jul 10, 2009
Semi Tatoosh TraverseMost challenging of the peaks we did. Really a fun climb with good positive holds but some decent exposure. Some people might want to rap down it.
amochka - Sep 7, 2008 9:00 pm Date Climbed: Sep 6, 2008
Four of FiveMy favorite of our traverse day. Great climb up, awesome little knife edge summit, awesome views, fun rappel down. Thanks Kevin for a fun safe trip! Next stop: Wahpenayo
thundercloud - May 20, 2008 11:18 am Date Climbed: May 17, 2008
Zipper Dee Doo DaClimb w/ BJ; route and conditions permitted us a pretty easy climb. Zipper Route likely to be gone for year soon, as one section up high will break up further with warm temps and become difficult to negotiate. Moats on top were the definate crux on this day. Fun times!
Brian Jenkins - Nov 25, 2007 2:51 am Date Climbed: Nov 23, 2007
Zip that Fly11-23-07 - Too Early - Itching to get on some snow, Ian and I drove up to MRNP in the morning after hearing about how the Cascades had gotten like 2 feet of snow the weekend before. Problem was, that was about all this one had gotten. We planned to climb one of the two main couloirs but from the start it looked more like rock than snow.
Hiked down from Narada Falls and went cross country down into the drainage on the north side of the Tatoosh. Crossed some creeks and then bushwhacked up some tough vine maple, devils club and blackberry brambles. Got to the base of the rock and traversed west. Looked up The Zipper to see mostly ice and rock and didn't want anything to do with that one.
Donned crampons and made our way into The Fly which looked more promising but it was thin crust (or no crust at all) over sugar snow about a foot (at most) deep. We got up about halfway the couloir before a large boulder blocked our way.
Ian tried heading right but it was just exposed unprotectable rock. There was an icy chimney under the rock and then up but the ice was thin and did not sound right. Had to give up and downclimb 600 feet (not fun) with the thought of coming back much later in the season when this one fills in. Got back down to the creeks as darkness fell. Full moon lit our way back to the trail.
5/17/08 - Almost Too Late - Headed up with Ron in the early am. Started from Narada about 7:30. Lots more snow than November, we were able to pretty much make a beeline to the base of the route although we had to think light thoughts while crossing the stream (which was raging under the snow and breaking through in a few spots). Only about an hour to the base of The Zipper which we decided to do since we could see on the hike in that it was in.
A couple of rocks the size of frisbees whipped past us as we prepared to climb so I ended up doing most of the route with my head up watching for them. We took turns kicking steps. Must have been due to the NW-facing aspect of this protected gully but the snow was fairly decent (we had been worried about slush due to the near 90-degree temps in the area). About halfway up we climbed through most of the rockfall area and then cruised to the top of the route.
Once up, we were on the south-facing slopes of the summit pinnacle which were really slushy. We headed up what looked to be the obvious gully but came to an impassable moat shortly into it. We climbed up and right onto the rocks where we took off crampons and found a way to scramble to the summit ridge. From there, it was a short snowy edge to the summit.
We scrambled down west on the summit ridge to a tree where we rapped down over a couple deep moats/cracks in the snow we would not have wanted to downclimb. Then it was lots of slushy snow on the hike out from the saddle between Lane and Denman. Warm day but fun. Ended up having burgers at the place just outside the park entrance.
Snidely Whiplash - Sep 27, 2007 12:12 pm Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2007
Exposed scramblePretty exposed scramble. Folks concerned with exposure may want to bring along a handline.
osatrik - Aug 26, 2006 4:14 pm Date Climbed: Jun 8, 1996
OSAT Tatoosh TraverseSix OSATers did the Traverse in the late spring from The Castle to Eagle, summiting them all. We camped just south of Lane Peak, which is the most enjoyable of the scrambles.