Many books have been written about the Matterhorn. Here are some – by far not all.
Rey, Guido: The Matterhorn, T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1907.
Rey, Guido: The Matterhorn, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1946.
Hostettler, Y; Matterhorn Gipfel der Werbung (Matterhorn used in advertisement), Olizane, Genf, 1990.
Lyall, Alan: The first descent of the Matterhorn, Gomer, Llandysul, Ceredigion, 1997.
Wundt, Theodor: Matterhorn – Ein hochgebirgs-Roman (A high mountain novel), Bong, Berlin, 1916.
Clark, Ronald W.: The Day the Rope Broke, Harcourt Brace & World, New York, 1965.
Truffer, Beat P.: Die Geschichte des Matterhorns – Ertbesteigungen, Projekte und Abenteuer (The story of the Matterhorn – First ascent, projects and adventure), Aroleit Verlag, Zermatt, 1990.
Bonner, Brian: Matterhorn Vision – How a summit ambition was achieved, Woodgate Press, 1990.
Wikberg, Sven: Bergjättens Erövring (The Victory over the Mountain Giant), Fritzes, Stockholm, 1947.
Schmitt, Fritz: Matterhorn Geschichten (Matterhorn Stories), Bruckman, München, 1983.
Schmid, Walter: Menschen am Matterhorn (Men and Matterhorn), Deutscher Bücherbund, Stuttgart, 1964.
Lunn, Arnold: Matterhorn Centenary, Allen & Unwin, London, 1965.
Mazzotti, Giuseppe: Das Buch vom Matterhorn – Die Erstersteigungen (The book about Matterhorn – The first ascent), Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin, 1935.
Hiebeler, Toni: Dunkle Wand am Matterhorn (Dark wall on Matterhorn), Limpert Verlag, Frankfurt, 1962