A 4 day scramble backpacking trip into the Pasaytens, 7/1-4.
Matt Lemke - Sep 13, 2016 11:12 pm Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2016
4 Bulgers in one day
Climbed on a traverse including Osceola, Carru, Lago and Ptarmigan in one day from camp below Freds Lake. 10,500 feet of gain for all 4 peaks!
gimpilator - Jul 8, 2013 11:23 am Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2013
Slate, Lago, Carru, Osceola, Rolo
5 peaks in 4 days. Lot's of loose talus and scree in this area. I hiked/scrambled up the east ridge. See my trip report.
Kyle509 - Aug 4, 2012 6:18 am Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2012
Fun day
Friend and I took a direct scramble approach straight up a southwest rib and gully. Pretty much a fun sustained class 2/3 climb all the way to the summit. Chose an "interesting" route down that managed to take us 3 and half hours down, which is the same as our ascent time. Big day for sure, but very fun.
Route Climbed: NW traverse from the saddle at 7100ft between carru and lago
My first and only trip into the pasayten wilderness so far. The lure of three 9000ft peaks all accessable from the same valley was the lure. Arrived at slate pass to high winds and very little visability. It was a long drive from seattle so I was going to give it a shot. After nearly 12 miles I arrived at Lake doris to even higher winds. By morning the winds had died but it was still very cloudy. Scrambled osceola that morning and packed up and headed up the valley along eureka creek towards shellrock pass. Set up camp at the base of shellrock pass and then spent the rest of the afternoon ascending the pass and checking out the other side. I could see how it got its name. Woke up in the middle of the night to a clear sky and ice on the tent. The next day was clear without a cloud in sight. I followed Eureka creek about a half mile back untill I was directly across from the saddle between lago and carru. I used the route description somewhat described in the 75 scrambles book to get me started but then followed the path of least resistance to get to the summit of lago and then carru. Still some snow and ice from an earlier snowfall on the summits. Broke camp and half jogged to get back to slate pass about an hour after dark. Never did have to use my headlamp. Barely.
zhong - Jul 14, 2023 5:03 pm Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2023
Osceola - Carru - Lago - Dot - Ptarmiganhttps://www.wta.org/go-hiking/trip-reports/trip_report.2023-07-14.1205465456
A 4 day scramble backpacking trip into the Pasaytens, 7/1-4.
Matt Lemke - Sep 13, 2016 11:12 pm Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2016
4 Bulgers in one dayClimbed on a traverse including Osceola, Carru, Lago and Ptarmigan in one day from camp below Freds Lake. 10,500 feet of gain for all 4 peaks!
gimpilator - Jul 8, 2013 11:23 am Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2013
Slate, Lago, Carru, Osceola, Rolo5 peaks in 4 days. Lot's of loose talus and scree in this area. I hiked/scrambled up the east ridge. See my trip report.
Kyle509 - Aug 4, 2012 6:18 am Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2012
Fun dayFriend and I took a direct scramble approach straight up a southwest rib and gully. Pretty much a fun sustained class 2/3 climb all the way to the summit. Chose an "interesting" route down that managed to take us 3 and half hours down, which is the same as our ascent time. Big day for sure, but very fun.
rialtosol - Feb 27, 2006 4:47 am
Route Climbed: NW traverse from the saddle at 7100ft between carru and lagoMy first and only trip into the pasayten wilderness so far. The lure of three 9000ft peaks all accessable from the same valley was the lure. Arrived at slate pass to high winds and very little visability. It was a long drive from seattle so I was going to give it a shot. After nearly 12 miles I arrived at Lake doris to even higher winds. By morning the winds had died but it was still very cloudy. Scrambled osceola that morning and packed up and headed up the valley along eureka creek towards shellrock pass. Set up camp at the base of shellrock pass and then spent the rest of the afternoon ascending the pass and checking out the other side. I could see how it got its name. Woke up in the middle of the night to a clear sky and ice on the tent. The next day was clear without a cloud in sight. I followed Eureka creek about a half mile back untill I was directly across from the saddle between lago and carru. I used the route description somewhat described in the 75 scrambles book to get me started but then followed the path of least resistance to get to the summit of lago and then carru. Still some snow and ice from an earlier snowfall on the summits. Broke camp and half jogged to get back to slate pass about an hour after dark. Never did have to use my headlamp. Barely.