Mount Clark Climber's Log

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haishan - Jul 13, 2008 2:22 pm Date Climbed: Jun 13, 2008

NW Arete  Sucess!

Loop dayhike from the Valley, up via Little Yosemite and down via SE Arete and Illilouette drainage. 1500' of great ridge scrambling and a little stiffer near the summit. Spectacular and exhausting.

tb00957 - Aug 3, 2007 12:36 pm Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2007

southeast ridge  Sucess!

Very long, hot, dusty approach, for about 50 feet of 4th class fun. We brought rope but nobody used it. It's nice to check it off, but I'm not going to do this peak again anytime soon.

Dave K - Mar 5, 2007 5:22 am

Southeast Arete

Fun! I climbed this with mrwsierra. I think Fall is an excellent time to climb this, since the boggy meadows of Illiouette Creek are almost entirely dried up so crossing that area is pretty easy.

I found an arrowhead just below the summit. I wondered what they were hunting up there--bighorn sheep, perhaps?


Samantha - Jul 31, 2006 5:06 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2006

NW arete  Sucess!

Bob Burd provides excellent directions for the approach. Too bad I didn't follow them on the way in! Great climb (but I am not sure I could have done it with a pack on). Kudos to those who daytrip this and do the ridge traverse!

Desert Solitaire

Desert Solitaire - Sep 2, 2005 8:43 pm

Route Climbed: SE Arete Date Climbed: June 17, 2005  Sucess!

Very enjoyable climb. BP in to Grayling lake, and bagged Clark and Gray. The step across was quite a thrill and the summit views were amazing - Yosemite Falls and the back of half dome reared some very teasing moments.


kovarpa - Jun 21, 2005 1:22 am

Route Climbed: NW Arete Date Climbed: June 19, 2005  Sucess!

Very fine trip with Kris with spectacular bivy. Down SE Arete, completing traverse of the mountain. D7's proved to be universal shoes - you can climb neve and carve telemark turns with them...

Zzyzx - Jun 21, 2004 11:39 pm

Route Climbed: NW Arete - SE Arete traverse Date Climbed: June 20, 2004  Sucess!

My second attempt and this time succesful! I climbed with Rob and did it in a day from Happy Isles. We climbed NW Arete and down climbed SE Arete thus completing the traverse. 2 for the price of 1! :)

Unforgetable climb, this peak is pretty amazing. I'll try to post the trip report soon.

Dave Dinnell

Dave Dinnell - Jan 10, 2004 12:18 am

Route Climbed: NE Face Date Climbed: August 1987  Sucess!

Climbed with friend Matt and five ten year olds from a summer camp. Awesome peak and awesome kids!

Zzyzx - Aug 27, 2003 2:10 am

Route Climbed: NW Arete Date Climbed: August 24, 2003

I did it as a solo day hike. Took longer than I expected, 18 hrs. car to car from Curry Village. The ridge is impressive and somewhat intimidating.

I followed the arete, but got stuck when I got to the upper part. I decided to traverse to the right and try to climb above the saddle between Gendarme Robert and the face. I followed small ledges and cracks, but whichever way I went I would get stuck at a point where it seemed to be to risky to solo it considering my limited experience and remote location. So being probably no more than 50 feet below the summit ridge and after over an hour of trying I chickened out and turned around. The mountain will still be there.

Got myself into a 'bushwhacking hell' on the way down.

Bob Burd

Bob Burd - Nov 4, 2002 3:55 pm

Route Climbed: NW Face/NW Arete Date Climbed: Nov 1, 2002  Sucess!

Warren Storkman apparently did this dayhike from Happy Isles in 12hrs back in the 70's. So I gave it a go, but came in at 12.5hrs. But what a fine hike - who would have thought November weather could be so nice? Trip Report.

Dave Daly

Dave Daly - Aug 3, 2002 9:53 am

Route Climbed: NW Arete Date Climbed: June 1995  Sucess!

Having only climbed for just 2 years before going up Mt. Clark (1995), this was a hallmark ascent for things to come. My love for backcountry climbing blossomed upon taking the new challenges Clark offered. Nice exposure and casual technical climbing. I'll never forget the experience!


HikeMonkey - Jun 20, 2002 8:48 am

Route Climbed: NW Arete Date Climbed: June 23, 2000  Sucess!

Luckily I was only "nearly petrified" so I was able to reach the summit anyway.

Bob Burd

Bob Burd - Aug 29, 2001 10:25 pm

Route Climbed: NW Arete Date Climbed: June 23, 2000  Sucess!

We climbed Mt. Starr King in the morning, then hauled our butts over to Mt. Clark. It was a long haul. We were exhausted when we reached the arete, so we napped for a while, then climbed late in the afternoon. I thought it was exhilarating. We bivied on the west side of the arete near the base, which was quite nice, then hiked out the next morning. Trip report

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