Mount Hale Climber's Log

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Jow - Jun 30, 2024 1:46 pm Date Climbed: Jun 21, 2024

Rainy day option  Sucess!

Planning a more adventurous hike but with rainy skies and no views anyways grabbed this peak instead which never has views. Still nice jaunt in the woods. Quite steep


joseyinnet - Aug 7, 2016 4:06 pm Date Climbed: Aug 4, 2016

Early evening hike  Sucess!

An easy after work hike. Not many views, but some really cool fungi, and lots of spring peepers.


technicolorNH - Sep 28, 2015 1:16 am Date Climbed: Sep 27, 2015

Hale Brook Trail  Sucess!

Third mountain of the day (after Jackson and Webster) so I wasn't setting any land speed records. Eighty seven minutes to the summit in twilight and seventy four minutes back down in the dark. The summit has a fairly unusual summit cairn right now: it's a very precarious tower of rocks. No views to speak of over the surrounding trees but the trail had a nice steady pace. This was a better trail than most in the Whites.


JRaphaelson - May 25, 2014 1:49 am Date Climbed: May 24, 2014

Hale  Sucess!

Short and sweet.


MelNino - Oct 18, 2010 10:05 pm Date Climbed: Oct 11, 2010

This was #6!  Sucess!

Number 6 on the quest to get the 48. Very fun hike, would like to hike it again. We took Hale Brook up.


LDuszer - Oct 5, 2010 11:40 pm Date Climbed: Jul 6, 2010

Humid on the Hale Brook Trail  Sucess!

Humid and HOT on the way up. I'm nearly 5 foot 5 and could barely see over the trees at the top. This was the first of a series of summits I did in a multi-day backpacking trip over peaks in the northern Pemigewasset Wilderness.


Flanders - Oct 4, 2010 9:56 pm Date Climbed: Sep 27, 2010

One more red triangle down  Sucess!

Very easy hike.

Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Oct 4, 2010 2:11 pm Date Climbed: Sep 27, 2010

Muggy Day  Sucess!

With Flanders. This was to be a rainy day per the forecast so we decided to hit this one since the views were supposed to be blocked at the summit. Did the Hale Brook Trail. Up and down pretty quickly. The trees have indeed grown taller but not sure if there are any views atop the big cairn since it was a grey, cloudy, rainy day. Warm and muggy though. Later this evening, I watched my Chicago Bears beat the hated Packers on Monday Night Football. What more could you ask for in a day?


Jofa - Apr 29, 2010 1:44 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 2009

nice hike  Sucess!

easy 4000'er start to the zealand hut

TinMan61 - Jul 31, 2009 4:37 pm Date Climbed: Jun 12, 2009

Nice Day, Nice Trail  Sucess!

Made this hike with a friend of mine. The day was only a little hot and the breeze more than made up for it. The trail (Hale Brook)was easy to negotiate and we would have had to work really hard to get lost. We took a break near the upper falls and then made the last bit to the top. Overall very easy and a well-maintained trail. The summit was nice and wide and accomodated three groups at once without crowding. The only drawback was the lack of any views due to the trees, but all the guidebooks had warned about that.


daw37 - Feb 17, 2009 3:58 pm Date Climbed: Apr 27, 2005

Bad weather  Sucess!

I had to walk up the road from the further trailhead. Very hard work on the snow!


dirth - Dec 18, 2008 12:16 am Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2008

Quick Peak  Sucess!

Really quick hike up the Hale Brook trail. Under 1:30 round trip, including some time on top. Great late summer weather.


LunaMoth - Oct 25, 2008 8:10 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2007

Rainy loop hike

We hiked as a loop following Zealand Trail and Twinway to the Zealand Falls Hut, then taking Lend A Hand to the summit of Hale. From the summit we took Hale Brook Trail down, and walked up the road in the rain to the Zealand Trailhead.


Tahawus - Aug 12, 2008 3:12 pm Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2007

Mount Hale  Sucess!

Climbed via the Hale Brook Trail from Zealand Road. This supposedly easy hike turned out to be much more difficult than we thought primarly because of 90 degree tempertures along the whole way. Had only a very hazy view of the Twin Range from the rocky pile on top. Will return on a cooler day.


TLP - Jul 21, 2008 5:03 pm Date Climbed: Jul 20, 2008

Hale Brook  Sucess!

I made this a quick hike. The weather forecast was rain, and about 15 minutes to the car it started a slight drizzle. This is a mountain you can do quickly. There is some minimal views still on the top. The trail is easy to follow, and it's not really rocky at all. It wasn't even muddy, and it rained the day before.

syzygy - May 25, 2008 11:05 pm Date Climbed: May 24, 2008

Long Way, a Bit Wet  Sucess!

Great quick day hike when our plans for a long Memorial Day weekend were killed. Quite a few cars in the lot, but saw only a few couples.

No winter gear needed/carried/used though gaiters would have been smart. There was still snow in places.

Stu Brandel

Stu Brandel - Dec 15, 2007 3:35 pm Date Climbed: Sep 30, 1988

Hiking Hale  Sucess!

Can be more of an adventure than the description indicates. We went via Zealand notch trail to the Lend a Hand trail, which lived up to its name, being that day more a flowing creek and less a trail. You will know the word 'puncheon' before you are done. A descent in twilight, hugging trees in order to make out trail marks.


eric-griz - Dec 1, 2007 10:06 am Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2001

A whirlwind day  Sucess!

Earlier this day I was at the highpoint of Rhode Island. I also visited Lowell National Historic Park in Mass., before summiting Hale.


giggy - Jul 6, 2007 2:53 pm

rain  Sucess!

hiked it in rain/fog.


woodstrider - Oct 15, 2006 5:21 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2002

Backpack to Peakbag  Sucess!

Great Day and the trail had interesting changes. The largest pile of rocks on the summit that I ever saw, and the only way to get a summit view was from its top.

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