Mount Langley Climber's Log

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Khanes - Jun 25, 2003 10:58 am

Route Climbed: New Army Pass Date Climbed: June 21, 2003  Sucess!

Although the books say that Mount Langley is quite easy....I found it harder than Mount Whitney. The last 1,500 feet of elevation is quite loose and gravely. Trekking poles are of a great assistance. There is also a fair amount of route finding after New Army Pass too, since the trail is poorly marked. Nonetheless, it's still 14,000+ ft and worth every step.

wadesummit - Jun 23, 2003 3:15 pm

Route Climbed: mountaineers Date Climbed: october, 2002  Sucess!

For a first climb I would not recomnend this route. I was not so lucky and had a friend take me up knowing that I had no climbing expierence. I made it but hanging, totally exposed, was not my idea of having a good time. Though I have to say that i'm hooked on the whole backpacking & climbing adventure and i'm looking forward to climbing mt. whitney via the mountaineers route in september.


Misha - Jun 18, 2003 12:46 am

Route Climbed: Old Army Pass (snow chute in the center), Class 3 variation to the summit Date Climbed: June 14th, 2003  Sucess!

Set up a base camp between Cottonwood Lakes #4 and 5. Climbed via Old Army Pass straight up the snow chute in the center. It was a lot of fun - the slope in there (close to the pass) gets to about 50 degrees. Took the Class 3 variation to the summit between 13.2 and 14k feet, nice scramble! On the way back we got intimidated by the steepness and icy conditions of the snow chute below Old Army Pass, and descended a Class 4-5 rock variation instead. Aside from us, two more people summited that day. What a nice contrast to the crowds on Mt. Whitney :). All in all, great day and great mountain!


thebeave7 - May 18, 2003 10:13 pm

Route Climbed: Old Army Pass Date Climbed: October 2002  Sucess!

Late season basecamp between Cottonwood 4 and 5. Woke up and hit the trail around 7:30am the next morning. The lakes were partially frozen as temperatures dropped into the 20s and never got above the mid 40s. Took a little over 3 hours to summit, and less than 2.5 hours to get back to the lakes. One of the easiest 14ers.

yayoubetcha - Dec 25, 2002 10:52 am

Route Climbed: Old Army Pass Date Climbed: July 2001  Sucess!

A nice walk up. I think Old Army Pass is the way to go.

Dave K - Dec 22, 2002 10:01 pm

Route Climbed: Army Pass--sort of Date Climbed: June 2000  Sucess!

A nice climb with my friend Mike! We didn’t have the gear to deal with the cornices on the Army Passes, so we stayed at Chicken Spring Lake in Golden Trout Wilderness and hiked from the west.


bennovak - Dec 18, 2002 10:00 pm

Route Climbed: Old army pass Date Climbed: July 2002  Sucess!

Hiked with Richard Elder. Pretty good day hike with incredible scenery from the lakes basin on. About 11 hrs with a couple of those used for fishing the cottonwood lakes, brilliant goldies, bring a pole.

Eric Tipton - Dec 10, 2002 9:21 pm

Route Climbed: Northeast Chute Date Climbed: May,1999  Sucess!

Kenn Kennega and I approached the climb from Tuttle Creek. It had recenly snowed and we slogged thru snow up to our dicks from start to summit.


tbnelson - Oct 8, 2002 2:46 pm

Route Climbed: South Slopes Date Climbed: October 5, 2002  Sucess!

Summited via the South Slopes with friends from church. We made camp at Cottonwood Lakes and then summited in a little under three hours from the lake. Two storms the week prior had left a fair amount of snow on the summit plateau. Old Army Pass had a little snow and ice in places. Great views of Whitney and Russell and Williamson to the north.


bearbnz - Sep 27, 2002 5:06 pm

Route Climbed: Normal route with a variation to bypass Old Army Pass Date Climbed: June 15, 2002  Sucess!

Climbed Mt. Langley with ScottyS on our quest to climb all of the CA fourteeners this summer. The 21 mile round trip took 8.75 hours on the easy Cottonwood Lakes trail. First time up this peak. For images and info on this peak, visit my Mt. Langley page.

Rick Kent

Rick Kent - Sep 20, 2002 2:10 pm

Route Climbed: Old Army Pass to Summit Date Climbed: 9/14/02  Sucess!

This was my first 14er! I'm hooked now! Perfect day for a dayhike! Got some excellent photos of Whitney, etc. Visibility was clear. Views were breathtaking. A fairly long hike, but other than the sand, was enjoyable. Gonna do Whitney and Muir next week.


scottyb - Aug 26, 2002 10:44 pm

Route Climbed: New Army Pass Date Climbed: September 1998  Sucess!

Had a great weekend with my best friends, Matt, Albert, Jeff, and Ted


mdostby - Aug 25, 2002 9:55 am

Route Climbed: Old Army Pass Date Climbed: August 24th 2002  Sucess!

Nice day hike with forjan. Very clear skys the entire day and great views from the summit dispite the month old McNally fire to the south. Back home and in the spa by 8:30 pm!


forjan - Aug 24, 2002 9:45 pm

Route Climbed: Old Army Pass Date Climbed: August 24, 2002  Sucess!

mdostby and I day hiked it. After a very sloggish morning (I'm still recuperating from a cough I caught in NW Spain plus the fact I didn't acclimate at all: basically left work [Camarillo, CA = 100 ft elev.] at 4:45pm Friday and arrived at the Cottonwood Lakes trailhead around 9:45pm), I made the summit at 11:15am. Stayed there almost an hour enjoying the views. A bit windy and cool at the summit today, though. No snow in Old Army Pass by the way. We had a leisurely descent, arriving at the cars by 4:50pm.

Joe Hanssen

Joe Hanssen - Aug 5, 2002 3:34 pm

Route Climbed: Normal Route/'Winter Route' Date Climbed: August 4 '02  Sucess!

Pretty basic climb, good views from the top. Even in August Old Army Pass was filled with snow, so I took the saddle north of it (Winter Route) and thought it was great. A little sandy but more direct, and made for a quick descent on the way out, 20 minutes from saddle to lakes edge. The 'Winter Route' was 65F going up, after cresting the saddle it dropped to 40F. 18 others signed the register from the day before, I passed 6 others heading up while on my descent.

9:10 CTC


daniellwu - Jul 23, 2002 2:34 am

Route Climbed: From Horseshoe Meadow Trailhead Date Climbed: July 20th, 2002  Sucess!

Left Caltech (Pasadena) at 8:30 pm. Got to trailhead at 12:30 am Saturday. Napped til 5:00 am. Started hiking at 6 am. Summited at 12:15 pm via Old Army Pass. Returned to trailhead at 7 pm. Drove back to Pasadena. A very long and tiring day.

Most snow on the Old Army Pass is gone now. Wasn't as exposed/scary as I thought it would be.

Going from sea level to above 14,000 ft in 12 hours with 4 hours of sleep isn't a good idea, as I found out the hard way. Acclimate, acclimate, acclimate.


ocelot - Jul 9, 2002 9:21 pm

Route Climbed: west face Date Climbed: September, 1987  Sucess!

My base camp was at Sky Blue Lake, west of Langley. I climbed a class 2-3 route up a moderate canyon on the west face all the way to the summit plateau. I remember drinking crystal clear cold water straight from a rivulet coming down a rock face. Nice climb, incredible view of the Owens Valley.

Derek Davis

Derek Davis - Jul 5, 2002 6:23 pm

Route Climbed: Old Army Pass Date Climbed: June 29, 2002  Sucess!

Struggled with the exposure of a short stretch of snow through Old Army Pass, which I would consider Class 4 but I could be wrong and with lack of defined trail to the summit, but made it anyway. Descended New Army Pass for the return trip. See my trip report for some extras, but it probably won't help veteran hikers.


kevin - Jul 1, 2002 10:21 pm

Route Climbed: Old Army Pass to summit Date Climbed: 6/29/02  Sucess!

I saw the boy scouts summit log. Which is really interesting because we saw them when we were about 15 minutes from the summit. There was four of us in our group. We had a base camp at cottonwood Lake #3 We wen't to the summit on Sat. the 29th. We went up old army pass. The trail was pretty good until we reached about 100 yards from the top of old army pass. There was a snow field that was about a 100 feet long. We had to cut steps into the snow to get across the field to get to the top of the pass, which was class four. If any of us would have gone down we would have been history. Three of the four of us reached the summit that day. We did see a glider when we were on the summit which was cool. The weather on the summit was perfect it was 61 degrees F at about 2:30pm with light wind.


Troop883 - Jul 1, 2002 10:45 am

Route Climbed: New Army Pass Date Climbed: 6/29/02  Sucess!

What a great time. The troop hiked up on Friday and stayed at South Fork Lake. On Saturday the summit team Pat , Brian , Seth , Shea , John , Don , Bob , Greg and Russ made it to the top. The group left at about 8:00 and made the peak at 2:00 back to camp at about 5:30. The base camp crew took care of the fresh fish. Ansel , John , Ryan , Scott , Kyle , Mike , Wil , Greg. This was a great shake down for the Muir this summer and a great hike for some of the new boys too. Our guys felt New Army pass is the way to go. Old Army looked a little tough with out the right gear. Hiked out on Sunday . Mike's brother inlaw Dan and His Niece Tiffany also made the hike. They went up New Army and they came back over Old Army Pass.

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