Mount Morrison North Ridge Route

Mount Morrison North Ridge Route

MOUNT MORRISON NORTH RIDGE ROUTE This is the longest route on Mount Morrison, beginning in Matthews-Winters Park and ending at the summit of Mount Morrison 2.5 miles, 1,634 feet later, or a round trip of 5 miles. Half of the route is on a hiking and biking trail, the rest is off route over varied terrain ranging up to Class 2 or 3 in difficulty, depending on route preferences. This route will become more popular with local climbers with the recent closures of all east face route on Mount Morrison within Red Rocks Park. Mount Morrison has become more of a challenge with these recent closures that bar easy access, perhaps adding an air of dignity to the front range foothill as no longer being a hop-skip and a jump. TOPO edit and embellishments by SP member mtnhiker13
on Jun 18, 2011 4:23 pm
Image Type(s): Topo/Diagram,  Informational
Image ID: 722976


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