Mount Rainier Climber's Log

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Jakester - Jun 25, 2008 12:04 pm Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2008

D.C. Route

An amazing (two-part) weekend on Mount Rainier.

Crevasse Rescue - Long 13 hour day up on the Nisqually Glacier practicing crevasse rescue techniques. Unbelievably cool experience.

Mount Rainier Summit Attempt - After the exhausting crevasse seminar, six good friends and I attempted to summit Mount Rainier. Long haul up to Camp Muir, three hours of sleep, late start and fatigue from crevasse rescue stopped us at 12,600 ft. Our decision to turn around 1,800 ft shy of the summit was easy. We were all exhausted.


Grampahawk - Jun 19, 2008 4:15 pm Date Climbed: Jun 15, 2008

Rainier for Father's Day  Sucess!

After following 6 straight weeks of terrible weather we were really lucky to hit a window of 3 perfect days in which to make our climb. The mountain did not dissapoint. Went up via DC route. Summited about 6 AM. Many thanks to my family for celebrating Father's Day a week early so this could be my true gift.


RModelli - Jun 18, 2008 11:15 pm Date Climbed: Jun 16, 2008

DC did not disappointed!  Sucess!

Took the DC route which was in great shape in a glorious sunny and clear day. Summited at 6AM with buddies James and Russell, both Rainier "virgins"


msihl - Jun 7, 2008 11:09 am Date Climbed: Jun 4, 2008

Second attempt

We ascended from Paradise to Camp Muir in perfect weather and attempted the summit the next day but got into a snow storm and had to turn back close to the top of Disappointment Cleaver. The storm got worse as we returned to Camp Muir. We were hoping to get another shot at the summit the next day but there was no weather improvement, so we decided to descend around 7.30 am on 06/06/2008.


shanahan96 - Jun 1, 2008 10:10 pm Date Climbed: May 26, 2008

no disappointment on the cleaver  Sucess!

summited rainier during a 4-day mini expedition marred with funky weather. had a decent weather window for summit day and consider ourselves quite lucky considering the rest of the time we experienced rain, snow, wind and a damp/moist cold.


Dave S

Dave S - Jun 1, 2008 8:53 pm Date Climbed: May 25, 2008

I'll be back...

Attempted the climb with Steve Larson (see report below). Weather just didn't cooperate.


astrobassman - May 28, 2008 11:45 am Date Climbed: May 25, 2008

May blizzard on Rainier

My group climbed Rainier the same day Steve Larson did. Sunny and warm day hiking up Muir. Set up camp and then the snow/thunder/lightning came in. We left our tents at 4am and made it up to 13,300 feet before calling it off in white out conditions with no other groups above the cleaver. I'm very pleased with the trip...climbing in those conditions was tough, but I learned a lot and had a great time.

Steve Larson

Steve Larson - May 27, 2008 10:20 am Date Climbed: May 25, 2008

Maybe next time...

We (me and Dave Smith) originally planned on doing Liberty Ridge. Then the Park Service informed us that the road wouldn't be open. So we headed for the south side, intending on going up the Gibralter Ledges. After a beautiful day strolling up to Camp Muir we watched the clouds roll in. Then it started to snow. Then the lightening and thunder show. Then more snow. After not sleeping much it was time to either get up and do something or go back down. 3-4" of new snow meant we wouldn't be doing the ledges, so we decided to follow the pack up the DC. It kept snowing, and the wind started picking up in earnest. By the time Dave and I got onto the cleaver we decided it was time to pack it in. It would have been nice to get to the top, but Rainier is such a spectacular place that neither of us minded turning around.


breagen - May 22, 2008 8:50 pm Date Climbed: May 19, 2008

DC  Sucess!

Two friends on mine teamed up with me for this gem on our Pacific NW tour. Hiked up to 7600 on the muir snowfield for the first night. Second day we went up to Camp Muir and talked to some rangers about the insanely warm weather and conditions. Started at 10:30 pm that day, summited around 7 am in wind that must have been 70+ mph. No visibility on the summit and had to crawl out way up but we got there. Back down by 10, lots of crevasses opening up on the flats, however the cleaver was doing well.


llkylej - Apr 30, 2008 3:10 pm Date Climbed: Sep 7, 2004

Made it to Muir

My buddy and I were visiting Seattle and we planned on hiking Rainier. We underestimated how far of a drive from Seattle the trailhead for Rainier actually is, and didn't start our hike until after 11 (also, the fact we were both 21, meant we had probably enjoyed too many microbrews the nights before). My friend had a fancy digital SLR camera and stopped to take many pictures, which slowed our pace down tremendously. We almost became discouraged on the final snow field up to Camp Muir, but saw two women, who had made better time than us, heading back down the mountain. We sucked it up and made the rest of the journey. We stopped at Muir. I am much more prepared for hikes nowadays, but I was very proud of the accomplishment at the time. I would like to go back to attempt the summit.


peakrat76 - Apr 23, 2008 3:06 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2001

DC Route  Sucess!

Climbed with two of my best friends from Seattle (Everest summiteer's.) After getting picked up at SEATAC we drove to the Mountain; spent night & next day to Muir. Easy carry to the Flats the next day with a midnight departure on summit day. Perfect conditions and only about 20 knots of wind on the summit. A great climb (finally!) I tried to climb this thing several times when I lived out there, but was swatted every time.


Bluebell08 - Apr 16, 2008 1:08 am Date Climbed: Aug 4, 2006

DC route  Sucess!

Made it to the top just in time for sunset with RMI group. Very tough but worth it!


Global_09 - Mar 25, 2008 3:57 pm Date Climbed: Mar 19, 2008

Winter Attempt

Myself along with 3 other climbers and two guides from AAI made a winter attempt on the Muir route. We were stopped by heavy snow fall, very cold teamputures and high winds. Avalanche conditions we also dangerous. I was caught in a small slide that buried myself and one of our guides up to our waists.

The attempt was part of a 8 day Denali Prep/Winter Mountaineering course in preparation for my May 2008 attempt on McKinley.


sushiman - Mar 23, 2008 4:25 pm Date Climbed: Jun 8, 2000

liberty ridge  Sucess!

beautiful climb on a big mountain!! conditions were perfect... summit day lenticular cloud on the summit, but was gone by the time we got there. also have done the fuhrer finger on the south side with similar conditions(i.e. bluebird)


snowflake - Mar 21, 2008 3:38 pm

DC Route  Sucess!

Left Camp Muir at midnight, summited 6AM (cold!). Went with just one other partner realizing we'd need to prusic if dropped into anything.

david whiting

david whiting - Mar 15, 2008 6:19 pm Date Climbed: May 27, 1999

For the beauty, the challenge, to feed the soul

High winds kept us on the Ingram glacier for five days and were unable to summit. But was a great time and learned a lot during RMI expedition seminar.


dswink - Mar 9, 2008 7:16 pm Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2006

Disappointment Cleaver  Sucess!

Climbed with an RMI six day expedition. Very demanding physically and so beautiful.


SarahThompson - Mar 4, 2008 4:11 pm Date Climbed: Jun 14, 2007

Emmons Glacier, slight mishap  Sucess!

Summit day was a long slog. Skies were clear but it was horribly cold. We were the first ones to summit that day and had it to ourselves. Also paid a visit to Liberty Cap before returning to camp Shurman. I got quite an adrenaline rush on the ascent: I was on a two person rope team and my partner slipped during a breather without control of his axe. He picked up speed extremely fast. I was downslope of him and was able to arrest his fall when the rope went taut - he wasn't very far above a crevasse.

ecobiker - Mar 3, 2008 9:08 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2006

DC Lightening Storm  Sucess!

Incredible adventure up the traditional route. Team of 3 up early and hiking when a lightning and thunder storm swept around the mountain. We waited it out low on the cleaver as the storm passed to the south. Beautiful sights almost too close. After it was safe, we continued up and topped out in the sun. Climbed safely down avoiding a small hard snow/ice that nearly hit and RMI team.


jimegan - Feb 7, 2008 11:08 am Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2003

MT RANIER  Sucess!


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