Mount Saint Helens Climber's Log

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Jakester - Jul 7, 2008 12:03 pm Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2008

Winter Route - July 4th, 2008  Sucess!

Left just before 6am from the Marble Mt. Snopark Lot (Winter Route). Fog, clouds, and wind blasted us the entire way up Monitor Ridge. We never broke through the clouds and had to imagine the views from the summit. Fun climb though. Glissaded most of way down to tree line.


BKW - Jun 22, 2008 9:37 pm Date Climbed: Jun 20, 2008

Worm Flows  Sucess!

With the Climber's Bivouac still snowed in, it was Worm Flows. The weather was great. After climbing this in the snow with a just a few forays onto ash, I'm not sure why anyone would want to climb this without snow. We glissaded all the way down to the timberline.

Dave S

Dave S - Jun 1, 2008 11:41 pm Date Climbed: May 28, 2008

Worm Flows - Winter Route  Sucess!

Solo climb via the winter route. Decided against a single day climb since the weather forecast was horrible and the road was closed at Cougar Snopark. Hiked in to 4200 ft, climbing above the clouds along the way and camped with great views of the mountain. Woke at 2:30 AM to clear skies and was on the way at 3. Reached the summit by 6 AM, enjoyed the views of Rainier and other peaks in the distance, as well as the awesome views into the crater. Back at camp at 7 (wished I had brought skis!!!) as clouds closed in around the mountain and the rain began. Hiked out and had lunch at the Lone Fir resort in Cougar. Nobody else on the mountain while I was there - had the whole place to myself!!! Great day and glad I was able to take advantage of a small window of great weather!

Rob Ricks

Rob Ricks - May 10, 2008 12:18 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2004

Monitor Ridge

Interesting little train-up effort. Really foul weather kept us from making the true summit. Probably a better early season climb.


peakrat76 - Apr 23, 2008 3:30 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 1977

Dog's Head Route  Sucess!

Climbed when it was still a whole peak! One of my favorites of all time. Climbed a second time with my new wife and we glissaded all the way from the top of the Dog's Head to the parking lot. Simply amazing. Spirit Lake was one of the most beautiful places I had ever been.

RyanTaro76 - Mar 5, 2008 2:24 pm Date Climbed: Mar 1, 2000

Snowy March Solitude  Sucess!

We Skied into Climbers Bivuoac and huffed up then-frozen Moniter Ridge through some fresh slab avalanche debris. Summit was great, maybe 7-8 other people on top who had climbed from Butte Creek side. Grand views up to Mt. Baker and south to South Sister.


jeffryrocksu - Jan 1, 2008 1:55 am

very cool  Sucess!

climbed it a few times always a fun 1 to climb


bighornmonkey - Dec 27, 2007 4:10 am Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2004

Done...  Sucess!

I got the last day permit available. Climbed solo (ALONG WITH 99 OTHER PEOPLE on the mountain) to the top. Nice hike.


cdog - Dec 23, 2007 12:30 pm Date Climbed: May 11, 2003

mom's day  Sucess!

Mothers' day 2003 was my first time climbing MSH. My girlfriend Amy and I left the truck early and climbed up Monitor Ridge in snowshoes to the summit. We were probably the 3rd and 4th people up that day, with hundred of dress-clad college kids already on their way behind us to celebrate mom's day. Spectacular views of Rainier! Quick trip down the glissade tubes carved out from dozens of others sliding on their asses down the hill. Also encountered a few large groups of mountaineers & mazamas on their first climbs ever.


IceAxe18 - Dec 20, 2007 7:49 am Date Climbed: May 18, 2007

Worm Flow

My brother and I for the first time went on the Worm Flow route. We got up at around 4:00am & was on the trail around 5:00am. The day was so far nice and sunny. Along the way my brother and I took pictures and video taped. Then we got near the mountain to the point where we put on our crampons and started walking up this slope & we kept on going & I kept on looking back but no one ever passed us & wonder if we went off route. We had seen only one foot tracks that were maybe a couple of days old though, so me and my brother kept going and in between 6,000ft to 7,000ft we stopped & ate some food & drank some water. Then we were about to continue up when my brother said he was out of water, so we decided to turn around. Anyways we did have a good time even though we didn't summit.

Karl Helser

Karl Helser - Nov 6, 2007 8:08 am Date Climbed: Nov 4, 2007

Not much snow...  Sucess!

Ok day for a St Helens summit. Weak system at, about 5000', surrounded the mountain early but clear blue above 5000' for a pleasant hike to the summit. Unfortunately one of those pesky mountain clouds was stuck on the summit blocking any chance of looking into the crater. Occasional strong gusts of wind. Not much snow on the trail so until the next system dumps snow you can wear your light hikers.


adamschneider - Nov 4, 2007 12:05 pm Date Climbed: Nov 3, 2007

Beautiful November day  Sucess!

Since it was the first permit-free weekend of the season -- and a mild, sunny day at that -- there were a LOT of people up on Monitor Ridge. The view extended southward all the way to Jefferson and the Three Sisters, and we were all surprised by how prominent Rainier was to the north.

It was a very tough hike, but conditions were excellent: many patches of snow (snowshoes were completely unnecessary, although waterproof boots are a must), and the ash and grit was still wet from recent snowfall, so it held up pretty well. I measured the temperature as 46° on the way up, 41° at the summit, and low 50s on the way down. We glissaded on our butts for about 1/3 mile (about 700 vertical feet) down from the crater rim. Total round-trip time was just over 8 hours; we were in no hurry.


Doehle - Oct 29, 2007 2:46 pm Date Climbed: Oct 27, 2007

Fantastic Oct Day  Sucess!

Had a fantastic day to climb, admire the crater and get a good fill of glissading in nice snow conditions. Not surprising, we were not alone on the ridge. Monitor Ridge route, were able to travel mostly in snow.


KMM - Oct 7, 2007 1:44 am

first climb  Sucess!

this is the climb the kicked off my climbing!


mountaingazelle - Sep 18, 2007 2:12 am Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2007

Monitor Ridge  Sucess!

I climbed Mt. Saint Helens with Chris. We had great weather the whole day. The trail is in good condition and the last 1,000 feet is made up of loose scree. Glad to finally look down into the crater rim of this mountain. It was a clear day so we were able to see Hood, Adams, and Rainier from the summit.


mkpatrick - Sep 14, 2007 3:47 pm Date Climbed: Oct 12, 2006

Mt. Saint Helens South Route  Sucess!

Beautiful day to be on the mountain, great views of Rainier, Adams, Hood, and Spirit Lake. Small rockslide on the lava dome.


travelin_light - Aug 25, 2007 1:40 am Date Climbed: May 23, 2004

not sure....  Sucess!

what route. Great ski descent though. Got lost somehow in the forest at the bottom.


Rockawilliam - Aug 20, 2007 11:29 pm Date Climbed: Oct 13, 2006

Monitor Ridge  Sucess!

A perfect clear day for a birthday climb/hike. My friend was climbing the mountain for the thrid time in a week, trying to see the lava dome for the first time. That's dedication.


pkrebs - Aug 20, 2007 6:48 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2006

Monitor Ridge  Sucess!

Exciting views from the rim. A dusty but rewarding hike.


whaynal - Aug 1, 2007 11:03 pm Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2007

Clear day for great views.  Sucess!

All the sand was exhausting, but the views were well worth it--not a cloud to be seen, while a nice breeze kept it cool. Butterflies everywhere.

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