Mount Spalding Climber's Log

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damgaard - Oct 11, 2015 2:10 pm Date Climbed: Sep 29, 2015

last day in CO  Sucess!

Had a few hours before flying back to Denmark, so made a 5 hour roundtrip: Guanella Pass - Mt. Spalding - Mt. Evans - Sawtooth summit - Guanella Pass. I had planned to do Sawtooth Ridge and Bierstadt but ran out of time. Weather started out wet and foggy, but ended up being quite ok.


mattdalman - Sep 24, 2014 10:02 pm Date Climbed: Sep 13, 2014

Traverse  Sucess!

Climbed from Summit Lake as part of a Evans, Sawtooth, Bierstadt traverse.

devans002 - Sep 23, 2014 12:26 am Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2014

Evans via Spalding  Sucess!

from summit lake

Climbing Jack

Climbing Jack - Jul 21, 2014 9:20 pm Date Climbed: Jun 2, 2012

With Evans.  Sucess!

From Summit lake.


technicolorNH - Jul 5, 2014 10:59 pm Date Climbed: Sep 18, 2011

Nice view of the Summit Lake  Sucess!

Part of the trip up Evans, from Echo Lake.


Onager - Jun 15, 2014 5:29 pm Date Climbed: Jun 15, 2014

Evans-Spaldings Loop  Sucess!

Started at Summit Lake early around 7:30am, quickly made the summit of Mount Spaldings, and then took the West Ridge all the way to Mount Evans summit. Glad to see there weren't that many people on the summit. Descended the easy NE route back to the trail head at Summit Lake. Not bad for altitude training, don't think I'll be back up Evans for a long time since mankind destroyed it.


BradBartick - Jun 5, 2014 5:58 pm Date Climbed: Jun 5, 2014

Evans-Spaulding Loop  Sucess!

With me wife. Fun scramble around cirque and along West Ridge. From Summit Lake.


SarahThompson - Mar 10, 2014 12:39 pm Date Climbed: Apr 21, 2006

Twice w/ Gray Wolf  Sucess!

4/21/06 - Started at Guanella Pass and climbed Gray Wolf & Mount Spalding on a very cold, windy day.

3/9/14 - Accessed Guanella Pass from the south (Grant side) and had to park more than 6 miles away due to new snow. This made for a 22 mile round trip for Gray Wolf & Spalding... and my husband came down with the flu and turned around just above the flats below Bierstadt leaving me all the joy of trailbreaking (relentless all the way to the summits).


chicagotransplant - Nov 3, 2013 6:04 pm Date Climbed: Nov 3, 2013

Windy Guanella Loop  Sucess!

Windy loop from Guanella Pass with Evans and Gray Wolf.

Pete Castricone

Pete Castricone - Aug 14, 2013 5:57 pm Date Climbed: Aug 10, 2013

Quick Hike  Sucess!

Short and sweet with the wife.


xDoogiex - Aug 14, 2013 5:22 pm Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2013

Fun loop  Sucess!

Did this with Evans on the loop. Saw my first mountain goats on the way up


rockymountaindiva - Jul 26, 2013 6:23 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2010

With gray wolf  Sucess!

Just wanted a little high altitude quick hike.


astroclimber - Jul 10, 2013 10:15 am Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2008

Goats on the trail  Sucess!

Lots of goats on the trail.


telemarkdude - Jun 28, 2013 5:49 pm Date Climbed: Jun 27, 2013

6 Peak Day  Sucess!

Did this with Rosalie Epaulie, Epaulet, Evans and Warren.


MikeyB - Jun 9, 2013 6:29 pm Date Climbed: Jun 9, 2013

Coupled with Mt Evans  Sucess!

Awesome bluebird day!


jfulcher - May 15, 2013 8:06 am Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2010

From Echo Lk  Sucess!

on the way to evans.


Fletch - Dec 28, 2012 3:34 pm Date Climbed: Aug 27, 2011

Nice little trip out  Sucess!

Tour de Abyss...


alpine345 - Oct 15, 2012 10:59 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2012

Just Spalding  Sucess!

From Summit Lake with C. Blake...


nickkarl - Sep 6, 2012 6:57 pm Date Climbed: Sep 3, 2012

Spalding Evans Loop  Sucess!

Took my brother-in-law on his first hike of a 13er and 14er. Headed up from Summit Lake. Great short loop!


rockrat2 - Aug 17, 2012 9:56 am Date Climbed: Aug 14, 2012

Quick summit  Sucess!

Quick bump on the route in to do the Sawtooth Ridge (succesfull) of Bierstadt. Beautiful trail with lots of scenery.

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