Mount Whitney Climber's Log

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AirMason - Aug 21, 2013 4:20 pm Date Climbed: Jan 15, 2012

MLK Day Backpack  Sucess!

Started at Lone Pine Campground for fear of it being too snowy at Whitney Portal. Stayed at outpost camp. Summitted next day. Very little snow for January. Very windy storm hit on way down, but there was little snow falling.


AirMason - Aug 21, 2013 2:56 pm Date Climbed: Nov 11, 2012

Whitney and Muir  Sucess!

-7 F the night before at 12000 ft. Warmed up on Summit day. 15 F felt really warm in the sun.


lalpinist - Aug 19, 2013 3:40 pm Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2013

Slow & Easy  Sucess!

I missed this hike last year (Mountaineer's Route) because I got hit by a car riding my bike two weeks before my trip. But I made it this year (standard route) with a lot of advil ...

Semi-cloudy day. Only one or two patches of snow remained. Easy route.


Donno - Aug 11, 2013 10:51 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 1990

2nd ascent  Sucess!

W/ dad, Doug & Jim Fithian


Donno - Aug 11, 2013 10:49 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 1986

Trail  Sucess!

First California fourteener


MarekB - Aug 9, 2013 5:35 pm Date Climbed: Apr 27, 2013

MR  Sucess!

I liked the MR, although there could have been more snow. AND I would have enjoyed the summit a bit more if I wasn't ill with (what turned out to be) mono...


AceSierra - Aug 8, 2013 10:45 am Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2009

MWT  Sucess!

A very very very long walk. An extremely long day gave me a good chance to delve deep into the very soul of my GF, haha.


Walkoutnow - Aug 5, 2013 12:08 am Date Climbed: Jul 31, 2013

HP #15  Sucess!

Mountaineers route. Started at 530am, summit at 130. Took a nice little break at iceberg lake. Was a great experience and challenge. Took Whitney trail down, 5 hours nonstop, beating. Overall though a great day with great weather! Shout out to Matt for climbing with me from UBS lake on up.


jfulcher - Aug 2, 2013 2:52 am Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2013

Whitney trail  Sucess!

Awesome day hike.


craig512 - Aug 2, 2013 12:35 am Date Climbed: Jul 20, 1996

8 days, 60 miles  Sucess!

Climbed Whitney as a long Boy Scout trip back in high school or so. Very memorable trip. Next time will be the mountaineers route or some other rock route.


lzpup - Jul 27, 2013 3:55 pm Date Climbed: Jul 24, 2013

Mountaineer  Sucess!

Rain backed off for perfect weather. Day 1 to just below ice berg. Day 2 up the buttress then into the gulley, travers at the notch ( not a fan) .lots of scene on the way down. Packed up and down to lbs after a nap, out the next morning


hightinerary - Jul 25, 2013 11:20 am Date Climbed: Aug 6, 2018

22  Sucess!

High above the smoke in the valley. Another dazzlingly clear Sierra day. It was my 22nd time.


jdmorehouse - Jul 24, 2013 5:52 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2013

The Trail Was a River  Sucess!

After two days (and nights) of heavy rain, the mountain was a river. We left for Whitney Portal around 4:00 a.m. and it was still raining. Up on the switchbacks to Whitney Portal we found numerous rock slides, which we had to clear enough to get around and continue. We learned later the road was closed after we'd already passed through. The last half mile before the trail head parking was washed out, so we parked and hiked the extra distance. It quit raining shortly after we left, but roughly one mile from the trail head, Lone Pine Creek was running at full tilt, so we had to ford it, taking shoes, socks, and pant bottoms off to get across. There were other crossings what were also across the flooding creek. The trail was basically a running stream over much of the climb, especially in the lower elevations, and most of the 97 or so switch backs before the crest. Up there along the crest we were in the clouds and visibility was very poor. When we finally made the summit, we heard some distant thunder, and the register was a soggy mulch. On the way down though, the clouds started breaking up and the weather improved some. The people who had back packed in the day before looked like drowned rats, and many turned back with out attempting the summit. Since the road was closed, we saw very few people after Trail Camp. The whole trip took about 14 hours. It was great. For pictures and a more detailed report, look here:


nicozone - Jul 18, 2013 7:58 pm Date Climbed: Jul 16, 2013

Extended Weekend  Sucess!

After quitting my job in December and switching gears to become a full-time student again, I knew that I would needed to give myself a nice treat during the summer months; permits for North Fork of Lone Pine Creek-JM34 just happened to be it. We were a group of four, all current/former Mazamas, and we had a great time on the Mountaineer's Route to the top. Very few people on the whole route and serene views abound.

David Mortensen

David Mortensen - Jul 11, 2013 7:24 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2013

Whitney  Sucess!

I did this with my wife. It was a long day (we were both pretty tired). The area was beautiful and we enjoyed the views on the way up just as much as from the summit. We both got a little sick from altitude and slowed down a little on the final approach to the summit, but we made it eventually. I climbed Keeler Needle, Crook's, and Mt. Muir on the way down.


theflyingmountaineer - Jul 9, 2013 6:41 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2013

Beyond expectations  Sucess!

An absolutely unprecedented ascent via the Mountaineer's Route. We summitted at 9:30 a.m. under a blue sky with puffy white clouds. Temps were in the 50's and a light breeze was blowing. Nothing could have made the climb a better one.

trexkerry - Jun 30, 2013 4:45 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2013

Whitney and Muir  Sucess!

Dayhike via the MW Trail - second time up Whitney. After summiting went up Keeler Needle to the final couple of rocks before backing off then bagged Mt. Muir on the way back. Trip report at


JRaphaelson - Jun 21, 2013 7:27 pm Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2013

Route: Mountaineer's to Whitney Trail  Sucess!

Hiked Whitney via the Mountaineer's Route in one long day. Altitude killed us after just being at sea level a few days prior. But the return trip on the Whitney Trail was very manageable.

Ammon Hatch

Ammon Hatch - Jun 13, 2013 4:46 pm Date Climbed: Jun 11, 2013

Nice loop.  Sucess!

Ascended mountaineers route in dry conditions (some snow in gully that was easily avoided) and descended Whitney Trail. 11.5 hours round trip. Beautiful day in the mountains.


scgrant - May 20, 2013 2:06 pm Date Climbed: May 18, 2013

Awesome Day Hike  Sucess!

An absolutely amazing day. Not a cloud in the sky the whole time we were on the mountain. Spent close to an hour on the summit taking it all in. We had the summit to ourselves for a good portion of that hour. Still early enough in the season we were able to amend our permit so we could ascend via the Whitney trail and descend via the Mountaineers Route. Made for an amazing loop allowing us to take in the beauty and uniqueness of both drainages. Total round trip time was exactly 14 hours including the time on top.

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