Mount Whitney Climber's Log

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cartale - Oct 29, 2002 10:05 pm

Route Climbed: Whitney Trail Date Climbed: September 30, 2002  Sucess!

My second 14er. I did the route in 13 hours 45 mins, which included an attempt of Mt. Muir. Two down thirteen to go!


timibe - Oct 24, 2002 5:25 pm

Route Climbed: Whitney Trail Date Climbed: 10-21-02  Sucess!

Me and three friends summited Mt. Whitney on a cold day. I actually wore my down jacket for the entire trip. We wore in-step crampons as 75% of the trail was covered in ice. It took us 8.5 hours round-trip because of the ice. Something to consider.


bearbnz - Oct 18, 2002 4:04 pm

Route Climbed: East Face Date Climbed: September 23, 2002

This was my 8th ascent of Whitney, 2nd via the East Face. Have done the tourist route 5 times, and the East Buttress (Sunshine-Peewee) once. Climbed the East Face with ScottyS in 10 hours, car to car. Fun day. On July 4, we did a daytrip of Muir, Whitney, Russell, and Carillon, about 12 hours car to car (SummitPost trip report). For more info on the East Face trip, read the SummitPost trip report.
7/6/07 Hiked the tourist trail with my 9-year-old son, camped at trail crest, summited and hiked out the next day. He was a trooper.

#9 March 16, 2008 via Mountaineers Route. Skied up to and partway up the Mountaineers Route via the North Fork of Lone Pine Creek. Cramponed to the top, and then skied all the way back to the car. The road was not plowed all the way to the trailhead, so there was a bit of extra distance.

#10 Hiked up the tourist trail with my 10-year-old son and his 2 8-year-old brothers. 6 miles the first day, and 16 on the second.


Guilty - Oct 17, 2002 8:29 pm

Route Climbed: East Face Date Climbed: 09/21/02  Sucess!

Left the car when the sun came up. Went lightweight up the East Face with my friend Ian. Made great time until we had some problems. So much for the speed ascent. For me, after the summit, I went over and summited Mount Muir and then descended the Mountaineer's Route. At Iceburg Lake, I met up with my friend and we headed back to the car by nightfall.

Rick Kent

Rick Kent - Oct 11, 2002 4:21 pm

Route Climbed: Whitney Trail Date Climbed: sep 23, 2002  Sucess!

Dayhiked up Whitney on 9/23/2002. Weather was perfect! Wasn't even windy on top. Having climbed Mount Langley the week before, I knew I just had to do Whitney. Reached the summit in 7 hours and returned in 5. This was less time than I thought it would take. It was however a little more strenuous than what I was expecting, but the challenge was quite rewarding. I'll probably do it again next year and hit Muir at the same time.


tbnelson - Oct 8, 2002 2:50 pm

Route Climbed: Mountaineer's Route Date Climbed: October 7, 2002  Sucess!

After summiting Langley the day before, we hiked into Iceberg Lake on the 6th of October. Two storms the week before had filled the couloir with a fair bit of snow. I made the summit the next day on my 33rd birthday in two hours and forty-five minutes from Iceberg Lake. At times I was postholing up to mid- thigh in the couloir. I was the only person on the summit when I arrived at 7:45 AM and was the first to sign the register for the 7th of October.

Trek-007 - Oct 8, 2002 2:12 pm

Route Climbed: Mountaineers Route Date Climbed: April 14, 2002  Sucess!

Hike up the Mule Trail on Labor Day 2001 and had a blast. Then we hiked up the Mountaineers Route in April and was blown away. The MR was excellent! This was my first real mountaineering trip and I am hooked. I was glad to finally use my ice axe and crampons. The coulier was pretty tough, steep. Camped at Upper Boys Scout lake and reached the within 50 vertical feet of the summit. Unfortunately out trip leader made us turn back due to the wether and time constraints. Oh well, been to top already anyways I will just have to hit again when I go to Mt. Muir and Russel. Awesome climb, highly recomended


thenunz - Oct 8, 2002 9:11 am

Route Climbed: Mountainer's Date Climbed: 4/27/2002  Sucess!

Longer, harder than anticipated. Got in some skiing on the way down. Snowy and foggy all three days. Great firm snow in the gully and 10 foot visiblity at the top. What's there to see up there anyway? : ( First two of five to summit that day.


gordonye - Oct 1, 2002 12:20 pm Date Climbed: Aug 28, 2004

Route Climbed: Mountaineer's route, East Face (successful)  Sucess!

First try via the Mountaineer's route: September 29, 2002. My partner Vladimir Ulyashin did the climb and reached the summit. The previous day there was a short blizzard which made the route icy, and I decided against trying it myself. Vlad said the crux part above the couloir was exceedingly difficult as he was without rope, ice axe, or crampons.

On the way down below Lower Boyscout Lake it was pitch dark and we tried to hike down to car with headlamps, but got lost around the Ebersbacher ledges. After searching around for 3 hours we gave up and camped the night back at the lake. In the morning of Sept. 30th we finally figured out how to come down.

Second try via East Face route: August 28, 2004. Made it to summit with Dirk Summers (Diggler). We roped up for 3 pitches and scrambled the other pitches, up to easy class 5. Descended via Mountaineer's route, where in the lower gully we were pelted with rock fall for 2 minutes from the East Buttress. Luckily we weren't hurt. This was my first major technical climb and I was glad it was as successful as could be.

mconnell - Sep 26, 2002 5:20 pm

Route Climbed: Whitney Trail Date Climbed: Sept 24 2002  Sucess!

Nice hike on the way up, windy at the top, a little snow on the way down as I passed Trail Crest. 11 hours car to car (a lot slower than intended).


ScottyS - Sep 24, 2002 2:04 pm

Route Climbed: East Face w/Tower Traverse Date Climbed: Sept. 23, 2002  Sucess!

Climbed in a day w/bearbnz. Started at the Portal at 0415 after our typical 5hr drive and 5hr sleep. Summited at 1105 after only 4 roped pitches using our 100' length of 8.8mm and "a handful of stoppers". My first multipitch mountain, and Barry's 8th time to summit. Sauntered down the Mountaineers', arriving at the car at 1445. Summit conditions? "Tourist Extravaganza!"

Craig Peer

Craig Peer - Sep 23, 2002 3:00 pm

Route Climbed: East Buttress Date Climbed: 1980  Sucess!

Climbed this excellent route with Rik Hafeman and his boss ( his bosses 1st climb ever ). A great route, but we got lost on the way down and wound up descending ice on the North Face and going over the Whitney - Russell col. Oh well, you can't plan adventure.

WholeYan - Sep 18, 2002 12:20 pm

Route Climbed: Mt. Whitney trail Date Climbed: September 11, 2002  Sucess!

Randy and Jerry Isbell (brothers), summited Mt. Whitney on 9-11 at 12:45 PM. We started our hike at 2:00 AM, spent one hour on the summit, and arrived back at our vehicle at 8:00 PM. We had beautiful weather the whole day, and had a great time... but that last 6 miles is a Death March!!! . . . . . . . . . .


Troop883 - Sep 16, 2002 4:33 pm

Route Climbed: Muir Trail Date Climbed: 8/24/02  Sucess!

Troop 883 completed a 60 mile segment of the Muir Trail going over Whitney. Greg , Bruce , Russ adult leaders . Shea , Brian , and Brandon. Long day over the top with our packs. Great Views!


lidijagrazulis - Sep 10, 2002 10:27 pm

Route Climbed: Dayhike up the main Mt. Whitney Trail Date Climbed: September 1, 2002  Sucess!

5 hrs. 40 min. from Whitney Portal to the summit!! This was my 2nd time up, having done the hike as a 2-night backpack last year. The views from the top were once again amazing, as the smoke from the McNalley fire had cleared. Even got to watch it rain on some distant peaks! We took our time on the way down and finished in about 12 hours. A tiring but wonderful day!


velodurt - Sep 8, 2002 6:51 pm

Route Climbed: Main Mt Whitney Trail Date Climbed: August 20th,2002  Sucess!

We had wanted to climb this mountain for almost ten years and finally made it on August 20th, 2002! It took us 18 hours roundtrip(one of our hiking party was moving a little slow due to altitude), but it was absolutely amazing. Especially Trail Crest! Check out our trip report and photos at our website Natural Born Hikers Link can be found on home page for a brief time and then it will be under TRAILS. Thanks.

Joe Hanssen

Joe Hanssen - Aug 28, 2002 6:28 pm

Route Climbed: Standard-Whitney trail Date Climbed: August 26 '02  Sucess!

Popular peak eh. This was the last day of climbing out of 10 during the 2002 Sierra Mountaineers Challenge. It was nice to be fully acclimated.

Car to Whitney: 3 hrs 43 min (4:26 am-8:09)

Car to Whitney-Muir: 4hrs 44 min (4:26 am-9:10)

CTC: 7 hrs 35 min (4:26 am-12:01)

Total elevation in 10 days: 46,996'

Total miles in 10 days: 154.4


scottyb - Aug 26, 2002 10:49 pm

Route Climbed: Mule Date Climbed: August 1999  Sucess!

Who hasn't climbed this giant?

Bob Burd

Bob Burd - Aug 24, 2002 7:12 pm

Route Climbed: North Face (ascent) / Whitney Trail (descent) Date Climbed: Aug 24, 2002  Sucess!

Day 8 of the 2002 Mountaineers Challenge.

5:15hr to the summit of Russell from the Portal, via the Rockwell variation, Mt. Carillon, and the East Ridge. Descended the South Face, ascended Whitney's North Face, summitting 2:15h later. Summited Muir 1h later, returned to the Portal in another 2:15h. Total time, 10:45h. Trip Report.

bps - Aug 19, 2002 3:11 pm

Route Climbed: East Face Date Climbed: August 21, 1998  Sucess!

Most normal parties take 2 to 3 days for the entire climb, while someone like Josh could start at 3am and probably be back down to Lone Pine for pizza by noon. My climbing partner (Aaron) and I wanted to climb this peak like it was an expedition, with heavy packs and an extended schedule.

On the first day, we made the 6 hour drive from Sacramento (sea level) and spent the night at the Portal Trailhead (8,300ft).

On Day 2, we moved our camp up to Lower Boy Scout Lake at 10,400ft. We had a little trouble finding the Eberschier Ledges, but eventually found our way. (a picture of the ledges is extremely helpful)

We moved up to Iceberg Lake (12,500) on Day 3. I could really feel the altitude while humping the 70lb pack up the final slope that leads to Iceberg Lake. As expected for the 3rd week in August, the lake was frozen in spots, but the area was relatively free of snow.

Day 4 was a rest and acclimitization day. I woke up just before first light and captured some great photos of the East Face just as the sun light was touching the mountain. Absolutely breathtaking! We spent the rest of the day scoping out the route, hydrating, and lounging in the sun.

On Day 5, we crawled out of our sleeping bags at 2:45am and started walking at 3:50am. We made it to the rope-up point above the first tower by first light. I was really excited as this was my first technical alpine climb.

The exposure was equal to a good cup of coffee and it really got my blood pumping. The visuals were exciting and the climbing was relatively simple. Up the Washboard we went, electing to stay roped up for safety. At the top of the Washboard, we rapped down the other side of the notch and that is when Mr. Murphy made his appearance. It took us 4 hours to find the true Fresh Aire Traverse. We tried several different lines, but each one was way harder than the advertised 5.4 to 5.6. We eventually found our way and wow, there was some real exposure in that Traverse! From there, we squeaked our way up the Rotten Chimney (watch out for loose rocks) and then onto the Grand Staircase.

I slowed down a little bit due to the altitude, but was still moving along at a steady pace. We wondered our way upwards and eventually topped out at 4:45 in the afternoon. Two hikers were on top trying to look over the edge of the East Face just as we clambered over the edge. The look on their faces was priceless!

Even though we knew that we would have to descend in the dark, we took our time to ensure that we traveled down the correct gullies. Once the darkness hit, we slowed down for safety's sake. About 2/3 of the way down the Mountaineer's route, Aaron and I encountered a thick sheet of ice and I suspected this might happen since we were descending in darkness. Since we had ice axes, but no crampons, we decided to rap down past this section. It only lasted about 90ft or so, and then returned to snow/rock. We plucked our way down and by the time we rolled into our tent, we were exhausted, but had gigantic grins from just completing an absolutely gorgeous climb.

The next day we hiked out and promptly drove to Lone Pine and ordered a greasy pizza since that is all we could talk about during the descent. Climbing the East Face was extremely rewarding and I highly recommend this climb for those that are prepared. Of special note: we timed our climb so we would go for the summit during the week and it paid off as we were the only climbers on the entire route. An equal surprise was the fact that there wasn't a cloud in the sky the entire time we were on the mountain (5 days). But climbers and hikers beware! There were major thunderstorms the day before we started and the day after we finished. I guess the climbing gods were smiling on us during our stay...

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