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Tbacon251 - Jan 30, 2006 6:23 am - Hasn't voted

Untitled Comment

Needs some pic's brother.

royswkr - Jun 14, 2006 12:05 am - Hasn't voted

lack of info

Guilty as charged, because this isn't a popular peak (like it should be :-) I'll bet I have a higher percentage of the known info about this peak than the Katahdin page :-)

Hoping this hike will catch on and others will help out


desainme - Jun 14, 2006 12:26 am - Voted 10/10


You can take a camera next time?


Amicus - Sep 29, 2008 1:46 pm - Hasn't voted

Moxie Mountain

Nice write-up of an underappreciated mountain. I bushwhacked up there in September 2007, with buckyball1 and Big Moose (not members here, I believe). They too are working on the "prominence" lists to which Roy alludes. We came in from the NE and followed that slide, like some others before us.

We had a foggy day - bad for photos. I took a few anyway, including one of the slide and another that shows that summit platform -
(I don't know how to make that URL clickable, if that can be done in a Comment, but you can paste it into your browser if you're curious.)

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