Murchison Falls, III, WI 4+
On Approach...
Murchison Falls, 180m, III, WI 4+- You gain over 2000’ just to get to the base of Murchison Falls. If breaking trail, it can be a tough approach. This is such a common objective however that you will normally find broken trail through the snow. Due to deadfall, skis are not recommended. We had it to ourselves on a Saturday in mid-March and found the top pitch somewhat precarious, i.e. wet and hard to find good ice. This 4th pitch was a full 60m+ of WI 4+. After some solo ice, we completed the route in three long pitches including two that required slight simul climbing. The route requires four rappels, all on rock stations (if not buried). There are three published accident reports relating to this route including at least one known fatality.
Murchison Falls, III, WI 4+, Icefields Parkway, Banff National Park, March 11, 2007