The legend on the right side of the map reviles in what year I, vanman798, reached which U.S. state highpoints. Also see "Highponts per Year" to compare the count to the effort required.
Listed below are the U.S. states I highpointed in a given year. The states are listed in the order I reached their highest natural point. In parentheses following the year is the count for that year.
2001 (2): North Carolina, West Virginia. Two of 50 completed.
2005 (2): Maryland, New York. Four of 50 completed.
2006 (1): Utah. Five of 50 completed.
2009 (3): Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado. Eight of 50 completed.
2010 (3): Oregon, Washington, Arizona. Eleven of 50 completed.
2011 (1): California. Twelve of 50 completed.
2012 (1): Montana. Thirteen of 50 completed.
2013 (2): New Mexico, Texas. Fifteen of 50 completed.
2014 (2): Alaska, Nevada. Seventeen of 50 completed.
2015 (3): Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota. Twenty of of 50 completed.
2019 (11): Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Kansas, Oklahoma. Thirty-one of 50 completed.
2020 (18): Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Forty-nine of 50 completed.
2021 (1): Hawaii. Fifty of 50 completed!!
This image is attached to Fifty Pinnacles.