Nearly Wintry Becca of Roisan & Becca de Blavy 1969

Nearly Wintry Becca of Roisan & Becca de Blavy 1969

Becca of Roisan (2546m)

In crossed by the Quota 2508 metres also Becca of Blavy (frontally the ascent W-SW small Wall), with a very strong wind and with a wind dog and me with the tall fever, before a terrible fall on the ice among the rocks, that you could claim me the life.

In traversata dalla Quota 2508 metri o Becca di Blavy (di fronte la Paretina O-SO salita), con un vento molto forte e con un vento cane ed io con la febbre alta, prima di una terribile caduta-scivolata sul ghiaccio tra le rocce, che poteva costarmi la vita.

April 11th, 1969

Photo by Ilario Antonio Garzotto
on Feb 9, 2012 4:15 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 775700


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