Neat looking Pain.

Neat looking Pain.

This part of the desert was pretty cool. I'm used to the sage brush laden areas of Utah, however down here there were all sorts of Cacti and succulent plants. Very cool looking. However... while I was heading up a steeper portion while in route to the summit, I didn't pay enough attention to one of the local Agave plants (not the species pictured). I stepped up to the next rock ledge not seeing the agave there, and brought my left shin right into the thing. The sharp spines, at least three of them, rammed through my skin and hit the bone. The pain was galvanizing for about half an hour until I hiked it off... Cool looking plant still though. 5-28-2012.
Wasatch Summits
on May 29, 2012 11:45 pm
Image ID: 792320


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