New Route! The Taylor-Wood Route on Prusik Peak, WA

New Route! The Taylor-Wood Route on Prusik Peak, WA

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 47.48812°N / 120.77921°W
Additional Information Route Type: Mountaineering
Seasons Season: Summer
Additional Information Time Required: Most of a day
Additional Information Difficulty: 5.9+
Additional Information Rock Difficulty: 5.10a (YDS)
Additional Information Number of Pitches: 8
Additional Information Grade: III
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The Taylor-Wood Route: David Wood, Fletcher Taylor August 18th, 2023

Climb rating: 5.9+/5.10-

8 pitches

The climb took us 10 hours

Descent: 5 raps down the couloir on the right followed by easy scrambling to the base.

One 60 m rope gets you up and down.


A few Saturdays ago, on August 18, 2023, David Wood and I pushed a new route on the South Face of Prusik Peak. We used old-school, bottom-up tactics.



Prusik Peak, Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area. Cascades, WA





Doubles from micro cams to 3 inches. We used a single number 4 once. Optional number 5 for the short off-with section at the top of pitch 8.

Getting There

If starting from Gnome PondDave and Fletch. Pick one. We are interchngeable, hike through the talus field to the base of the South Face. Pass the Becky-Davis route, and continue right along the base passing underneath a large tilted slab. You are aiming for the two small roofs directly overhead. 

Route Description

P 1 You are aiming for the two small roofs directly overhead. From a large pedestal, climb up and trend left following an ascending crack system until underneath the first roof. Go left to pass the first roof and almost immediately find a small ledge in a shallow alcove.  

P 2 Continue following the crack in the dihedral and aim for the roof above trending slightly right. Go right to pass this second roof. Above the roof follow the crack in a shallow dihedral. Watch for the loose flakes over your left shoulder. Follow easier ground to a good ledge in the alcove above. 

P 3 At the alcove, you have choices. Either tackle the off-with above or be like us and disco step left around the corner and finesse up a thin crack. The crack widens and becomes more reasonable. Follow the corner system through an awesome stem box and over easier mixed ground above to a spacious ledge.

P 4 Waltz up the slammer hand crack, around a block above, and onto varied ground with several interconnected crack systems and into a corner/wide chimney. Scramble up 20 feet to a dead snag.

P 5 (50 feet, class 4) Climb around the snag trending right and hop onto a ledge. Sidle along this ledge rightward stepping past a block and follow a ramp to a huge alcove. Belay below an elderly, gnarled pine tree.

P 6. (100 feet, 5.9+) Scramble through an easy ledge system aiming for three parallel hand cracks on an east-facing tower. We tackled the left most hand crack to the top of the tower.

P 7. (50 feet, easy 5th) Follow a ledge system left and around a corner, and scramble up the corner/gully 50 feet to another spacious belay ledge below a chimney.

P 8. (100 feet, 5.9+/5.10-) Climb the chimney for 50 feet (excellent gear in the crack to the left) until it opens into a steep hand crack on a clean face. Tackle the hand crack, which wideness into a short off-width section (optional # 5 placement if you are not used to off-width) and top out at a ledge above. You’re standing atop a large pillar. Before you is the face of the east summit block.

Backstory: I packed a battery-powered UV water purifier which tested just fine in the comfort of my own home. It died during the hike to Colchuck Lake. David has developed a resistance to microbes, including giardia, and drinks right out of the lake like a mule, so he was no help whatsoever. I drank the unfiltered stuff too: I had to. Next day, by pitch 2, I already had a case of the squirts. We would not be turned.


Essential Gear

Overall, the gear was pretty good the whole way. Doubles from micro cams to 3 inches. We used a single number 4 once. Optional number 5 for the short off-with section at the top of pitch 8.

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