SummitJunkie - Mar 7, 2006 2:13 am Date Climbed: Oct 13, 2005
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail
Turned this into a great 11+ mile one way hike from Tioga road to Yosemite Valley. Too bad the waterfall was dry, but the day use area at the top of the falls is very interesting. The granite is polished and very smooth with lots of neat crystal clear pools, saw quite a few trout in the pools.
Three of us hit North Dome during a 3-day backpack in Yosemite. Started at the bottom of the falls and came out by Mirror Lake. Great views of the valley from the top of North Dome.
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: October 13, 2005
Turned this into a great 11+ mile one way hike from Tioga road to Yosemite Valley. Too bad the waterfall was dry, but the day use area at the top of the falls is very interesting. The granite is polished and very smooth with lots of neat crystal clear pools, saw quite a few trout in the pools.
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: Sep-23-2005
Not sure this should count as a "summit" since it is downhill class 1 from Porcupine Creek. Stopped off at North Dome on my way from 120 to Yosemite Valley.
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: Oct 10, 2004
We did this as a warm-up for Half Dome the next day. The trail actually goes down in elevation and you must climb it on the return. The view of Half Dome from the top is one of the best. We hiked to Indian Arch on the way back.
Route Climbed: Crest Jewel direct start (10d) Date Climbed: September 2004
My partner Larry S. and I ran out of water near pitch six!! We now have a good idea of what the early sourdoughs felt like stumbling out of the desert gasping for a cup of water!!
Route Climbed: via Yosemite Falls Trail Date Climbed: 24 April 2004
Great day! We didn't start until 12:15, due to laziness in leaving Palo Alto. I had always wanted to do this as a dayhike. It's fairly challenging in terms of total elevation gained (~6000 ft.) and distance (something like 16 miles). Luckily our group (sister-in-law Rachel and friends Antoine and Jesse) moved fast and made it back to the trailhead just as headlamps became necessary (19:45). Wonderful warm day with clear air and no troublesome snow.
Route Climbed: South Face (Pratt Route) Date Climbed: May 2003
Lots of fun corners and mantles. III, 5.8 is appropriate, and a little runouts in spots.
I didn't think the North Dome Gully descent could get any worse. But we descended towards Mt Watkins and down, which although a straight shot into the gully, adds a load of bush scramling down slabs. Geesh..
Matthew Holliman - Dec 13, 2002 11:37 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2002
Best views of Half Dome in Yosemite
July 28, 2002, Yosemite Falls trail: Dayhike up to Yosemite Falls, Eagle Peak, back around via North Dome and the Snow Creek trail. North Dome has perhaps the most spectacular view of Half Dome in the park. Great day, if a bit tiring for me at that time.
July 16, 2006: After climbing Norman Clyde the day before, I was pretty beat and looking for something easier. Decided to hike out to North Dome from Hwy 120 on my way back to the Bay Area. Excellent views as always.
Route Climbed: crest jewel, .10a (barely) Date Climbed: may 89
after doing our first grade V, s.face washington column, we crashed in the manzanitas and climbed this one the next morning. not that great actually, unless you really, really like slabs, and lots of them.
Route Climbed: North Dome Gully (ascent) / Indian Canyon (descent) Date Climbed: Nov 2, 2002
Gotta love those climber descent routes. Class 3-4 route to the top of Washington Column, followed by more climber and animal trails plus bushwhacking around the west side of North Dome to the summit. The descent down Indian Canyon is another class 3-4 route (without climber trail) that gets you down to Ahwanee Meadow - much better than Yosemite Falls Trail! Trip Report.
jakefrisbee - Mar 14, 2006 8:58 pm
Porcupine Creek TrailGood hike. View was "okay" by Yosemite standards.
SummitJunkie - Mar 7, 2006 2:13 am Date Climbed: Oct 13, 2005
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek TrailTurned this into a great 11+ mile one way hike from Tioga road to Yosemite Valley. Too bad the waterfall was dry, but the day use area at the top of the falls is very interesting. The granite is polished and very smooth with lots of neat crystal clear pools, saw quite a few trout in the pools.
Scrambling Man - Feb 20, 2006 8:07 pm
Climbed it during backpack trip: late-May 2000Three of us hit North Dome during a 3-day backpack in Yosemite. Started at the bottom of the falls and came out by Mirror Lake. Great views of the valley from the top of North Dome.
tdoughty - Oct 16, 2005 2:00 pm
Route Climbed: S. Faceclimb of S. Face after ascent of Royal Arches
ClimbingJunkie - Oct 15, 2005 2:10 pm
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: October 13, 2005Turned this into a great 11+ mile one way hike from Tioga road to Yosemite Valley. Too bad the waterfall was dry, but the day use area at the top of the falls is very interesting. The granite is polished and very smooth with lots of neat crystal clear pools, saw quite a few trout in the pools.
birdhead - Oct 2, 2005 1:15 pm
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: 10/01/05Awesome views of Half Dome and Cloud's Rest. An easy hike for a nice half day outing.
fedak - Sep 27, 2005 11:26 am
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: Sep-23-2005Not sure this should count as a "summit" since it is downhill class 1 from Porcupine Creek. Stopped off at North Dome on my way from 120 to Yosemite Valley.
Pics are here
D Smith - Sep 12, 2005 1:00 am
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: September 5, 2005Easy hike, and fantastic view of Half Dome on a cloudless day.
jtostenr - Jul 5, 2005 3:27 am
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: June 29, 2005Nice hike from the north side. Great views of Half Dome.
mountaingazelle - May 1, 2005 10:20 pm
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: Oct 10, 2004We did this as a warm-up for Half Dome the next day. The trail actually goes down in elevation and you must climb it on the return. The view of Half Dome from the top is one of the best. We hiked to Indian Arch on the way back.
jtree - Feb 28, 2005 12:47 pm
Route Climbed: Crest Jewel direct start (10d) Date Climbed: September 2004My partner Larry S. and I ran out of water near pitch six!! We now have a good idea of what the early sourdoughs felt like stumbling out of the desert gasping for a cup of water!!
TDRoberts - Aug 13, 2004 10:30 pm
Route Climbed: From 120 Date Climbed: Aug 8 2004Wanted a short hike on the way back to San Francisco from Mammoth. Couldn't have asked for a better day or better views of Half Dome and Clouds Rest.
mpbro - Apr 28, 2004 4:20 pm
Route Climbed: via Yosemite Falls Trail Date Climbed: 24 April 2004Great day! We didn't start until 12:15, due to laziness in leaving Palo Alto. I had always wanted to do this as a dayhike. It's fairly challenging in terms of total elevation gained (~6000 ft.) and distance (something like 16 miles). Luckily our group (sister-in-law Rachel and friends Antoine and Jesse) moved fast and made it back to the trailhead just as headlamps became necessary (19:45). Wonderful warm day with clear air and no troublesome snow.
More photos here
roadsidefire - Apr 14, 2004 4:07 am
Route Climbed: from Upper Yosemite Fall Date Climbed: June 1999Walking along treeline slightly chilly.
derbilly - Feb 24, 2004 3:13 am
Route Climbed: Porcupine Creek Trail Date Climbed: September 15, 2002More a downhill hike than a climb. Camped right on the dome for an excellent sunset/sunrise.
Dave Dinnell - Jan 14, 2004 1:21 am
Route Climbed: South Face Date Climbed: Oct. 1996An interesting route, especially the beginning of the 3rd pitch (traverse around to the shallow cracks). Climbed with Brad Rassler.
brandon - Jun 14, 2003 11:10 am
Route Climbed: South Face (Pratt Route) Date Climbed: May 2003Lots of fun corners and mantles. III, 5.8 is appropriate, and a little runouts in spots.
I didn't think the North Dome Gully descent could get any worse. But we descended towards Mt Watkins and down, which although a straight shot into the gully, adds a load of bush scramling down slabs. Geesh..
Matthew Holliman - Dec 13, 2002 11:37 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2002
Best views of Half Dome in YosemiteJuly 28, 2002, Yosemite Falls trail: Dayhike up to Yosemite Falls, Eagle Peak, back around via North Dome and the Snow Creek trail. North Dome has perhaps the most spectacular view of Half Dome in the park. Great day, if a bit tiring for me at that time.
July 16, 2006: After climbing Norman Clyde the day before, I was pretty beat and looking for something easier. Decided to hike out to North Dome from Hwy 120 on my way back to the Bay Area. Excellent views as always.
kullaberg - Nov 30, 2002 11:31 am
Route Climbed: crest jewel, .10a (barely) Date Climbed: may 89after doing our first grade V, s.face washington column, we crashed in the manzanitas and climbed this one the next morning. not that great actually, unless you really, really like slabs, and lots of them.
Bob Burd - Nov 4, 2002 4:02 pm
Route Climbed: North Dome Gully (ascent) / Indian Canyon (descent) Date Climbed: Nov 2, 2002Gotta love those climber descent routes. Class 3-4 route to the top of Washington Column, followed by more climber and animal trails plus bushwhacking around the west side of North Dome to the summit. The descent down Indian Canyon is another class 3-4 route (without climber trail) that gets you down to Ahwanee Meadow - much better than Yosemite Falls Trail! Trip Report.