North Face - Comici

North Face - Comici

Shirley "admiring" the continued steepness of the Comici line on north face of Cima Grande. Note the two people on the path at the base below (Sept. 2008).
on Oct 15, 2008 3:30 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 453474


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lcarreau - Oct 16, 2008 7:33 pm - Voted 10/10


I knew if I looked long enough and exercised
my patience, I would come across a photograph
where Shirley's smile has "transformed" itself into an "acute expression of contemplation."

Yes, I do see the people far below. At first, I contemplated that they could be ANTS, but
then I asked myself: "Where are the Uncles??"

I always thought the Dolomites looked GRAND
from the parking lot! Excellent photograph!!!

Larry :)


rpc - Oct 16, 2008 7:38 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: A-HA!

"acute expression of contemplation."

yes indeed! That contemplatin' was accompanied by "shiiiiit, more steepness!!?" -type comments :)

thanks for visiting Larry. Cheers!


lcarreau - Oct 16, 2008 8:23 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: A-HA!

Think Shirley, (and the rest of us), learned
long ago that the World was not FLAT.

It would be "so freakin' boring" if it was!!!

Yes, it does look a bit steep. -LARRY :- O

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