North Sister from the south....

North Sister from the south....

North Sister from the south. Mt. Jefferson behind. (July)
on Jan 4, 2002 7:45 am
Image ID: 3589


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Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Jan 4, 2002 8:44 am - Hasn't voted

camera location

Was wondering where you took this picture from. Though it might be a telephoto from Middle Sister but it appears to be from a higher vantage point which would mean not Middle Sister. From a helicopter? Very cool photo but was just wondering.


mutant1 - Jan 10, 2002 10:20 am - Hasn't voted

Re: camera location

This photo was taken from the summit of South Sister with a 200 mm lens. Sure looks close, huh?

Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Jan 10, 2002 12:51 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: camera location

Makes sense now why it seems from a higher vantage point. Thanks. Now I know what power lens I need to get in the future too to get great pictures. Very cool.

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