Ocshapalca SouthWest Face with routes.
Picture credit to:
High Mountain Magazine July 1999
The vast South Face of Ocshapalca (5,881m) in the Chinchey Massif.
This fluted ice wall falls 650m from the East (Main) Summit (1)
and 500m from the untrodden West Top (2).
Current routes on this face are:
(A) Pisamierdas (Amils/Casas/Obregon/Sunyer, 1989).
(B) South Face Direct (Cambon/Francou/Grassi, 1982).
(C) South Face-Original Route (Blatherwick/Richey, 1979).
(D) Alternative Start (Variante Peruana).
(E) Alquimia (no information).
(F) Swiss-Canadian Route (Balmat/Banderet/Ouellet, 1982).
(G) Rusula de Yungay (Allignol/Soulier, 1998).
(H) The incompleted line of Preso Politico (Amat/Lopez/Lopez, 1994).
(I) The incompleted line of Christian Pichon (Roux/Scart/Vigne, 1995).
(J) Ludix-El Gato Blanco (Babic/Hieb/Zver/Zorko, 1996)
(K) Intsumisioa (Fonseca/Santesteban, 1995).