Gangolf Haub - Oct 14, 2012 9:37 am Date Climbed: Oct 9, 2012
Three attempts
Fist day of the vacation we had to return on Schelesnigsattel because of fog. 5 days later reached the rock windows but not the summit. another three days later climbed Kärntner Storschitz in rain and when the weather cleared up upon our return to Seebergsattel, drove over to Uschowa and finally stood on some of its summits.
flow - Dec 4, 2006 1:56 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2005
25.07.2005: From St. Margarethen 925m up to Felsentore and further on to Obel Kamen 1.911m
10.08.2008: From St. Leonhard 1.334m up to Potocka zijalka, Govca 1.929m, on to Obel Kamen 1.911, Felsentore and back
12.08.2012: From St. Leonhard 1.334m up to Potocka zijalka, Obel Kamen 1.911 and Govca 1.929m
11.08.2013: From St. Leonhard 1.334m up to Potocka zijalka and Obel Kamen 1.911
Gangolf Haub - Oct 14, 2012 9:37 am Date Climbed: Oct 9, 2012
Three attemptsFist day of the vacation we had to return on Schelesnigsattel because of fog. 5 days later reached the rock windows but not the summit. another three days later climbed Kärntner Storschitz in rain and when the weather cleared up upon our return to Seebergsattel, drove over to Uschowa and finally stood on some of its summits.
flow - Dec 4, 2006 1:56 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2005
Uschowa25.07.2005: From St. Margarethen 925m up to Felsentore and further on to Obel Kamen 1.911m
10.08.2008: From St. Leonhard 1.334m up to Potocka zijalka, Govca 1.929m, on to Obel Kamen 1.911, Felsentore and back
12.08.2012: From St. Leonhard 1.334m up to Potocka zijalka, Obel Kamen 1.911 and Govca 1.929m
11.08.2013: From St. Leonhard 1.334m up to Potocka zijalka and Obel Kamen 1.911
Vid Pogachnik - Oct 8, 2005 2:37 pm
Route Climbed: Through Felsenthore and by Potocka zijalka Date Climbed: October 31st, 2001First time we were on top on September 9th, 1995 from the south side.
The last tour was really beautiful: Great autumn colours, scenery, a wild descent towards north (border region).