On the way down from Warren...

On the way down from Warren...

On the way down from Warren Peak, this is looking back along Porter Ridge, and could just as well have gone on the "Porter Ridge Route" page, but I like the light and colors of the late afternoon, and how it all comes together to emphasize the beauty of, what was in this case, a really nice descent. Warren Peak itself is off to the left, out of the image. (The gold trees are larch in their full fall display; larch are often confused with tamarack—which exist in the midwest and east; the two are separate species, and not related—and are the only needled trees to turn color—always to a deep gold—and lose their foliage each year. Larch are more common in this part of the Rockies than are aspen, and seem to go through the fall cycle slightly later than their deciduous forest cousins.)
Photo by Vernon, September 27, 2004.
on Nov 23, 2004 2:21 pm
Image ID: 79194


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