One of the many footbridges spanning a rugged part of the slopes east of Saas Almagell

One of the many footbridges spanning a rugged part of the slopes east of Saas Almagell

When you want to hike high up the Almageller Valley from Saas Almagell, you won't pass this section. But it's part of a scenic alternative that starts by taking the lift from Saas Almagell up to Furggstalden and follow the clear trail north from there - which, because it's a longer route, won't save time but does shave some 300 m off the ascent. Be advised that this alternative route isn't suitable for dogs; there are far more trickier sections than this long bridge. 11 July 2014.
on Apr 30, 2015 11:53 am
Image Type(s): Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 937589


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