Matterhorn the north face


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Matterhorn the north face
Manufacturer Leo Dickinson & HTV
Page By Richard Purchon
Page Type Jun 2, 2002 / Jun 2, 2002
Object ID 325
Hits 3691
This Film Covers the ascent of three British Mountaineers on the North Face of the Matterhorn in winter. The film recreates part of Edward Whymper's tragic ascent when four of his team fell 4,000ft to their deaths, and only Whymper and the twoTaugwalders returned to zermatt. This modern expedition is also plagued by problems. Eric Jones falls and only manages to stop himself on the very edge of a huge drop. Then the worst storm ever recored in Zermatt strikes the matterhorn and the team are forced to continue their climb through blizards thunder and lightning.


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