Pants, Technical

Pants, Technical
Page Type Gear Category
Object Title Pants, Technical
Page By Dow Williams
Created/Edited May 3, 2007 / May 3, 2007
Object ID 3086
Hits 8105
Page Score 86.34%

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Technical Pants

Another oversold item in adventure sports (besides plastic boots and burly jackets) are heavy pants. You should layer on bottom as on top with light layer over light layer. An underwear layer or shorts, a wind resistant pant and a water resistant (shell) pant will take care of your needs on 95% of all outings. This category is reserved for that middle layer, my favorite of which is the Arc'teryx Palisade, the only Arc'teryx piece of clothing I currently use. It is amazing what I put these pants through and how they stand up to it. But there are no doubt comparable products. Please only add pants with technical features and leave casual attire for another web site. Thanks!

ps: Keep that bum dry!
